Research on Data mining at Research Group in Intelligent Systems



GRSI focuses on the research and development of intelligent systems based on (1) extracting interesting patterns from moderate and large complex data (Data Mining) and (2) learning from them (Machine Learning) for helping experts by means of the building of decision support systems. In this framework, GRSI works on different stages of the process of data mining: pre-processing, characterization of data sets, analysis for a better understanding and improvement of machine learning techniques, methodologies to evaluate learners, and post-processing. During the last few years, the research has mainly focused on learning methods inspired by natural principles and analogy. The group is known for its expertise on Evolutionary Computation, Soft Case-Based Reasoning, and Neural Networks.

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Data MininggResearch, Innovation and Development for supporting experts in their decisionspp g p

Supporting experts is helping them to take more effective efficient and reliable decisionseffective, efficient and reliable decisions

Page 1Research, Innovation and Development for supporting experts in their decisions

Campus laSalle Barcelonap

• Campus with 5 buildingsp g• 4000 students.• More than 100 years training highly qualified professionals.


Differential Research ffmethodology

InternationalPrestige and


International character

La Salle

Prestige and innovation

Laboratories and infrastructures

La Salle TechnovaBarcelona

Page 2Research, Innovation and Development for supporting experts in their decisions


• Research Group in Intelligent SystemsDescriptors– Descriptors

– Research on Data Mining• Projects related to Health Sciences

– Decision support system for Breast Cancer – Data Mining as support for melanoma experts

Page 3Research, Innovation and Development for supporting experts in their decisions

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

• John McCarthy coined AI term in 1956 as ‘the science and engineering ofmaking intelligent machines’ at a conference at Dartmouth College. Intelligent

g ( )

machine terms refer to the capability of performing intelligent human processesas:

– Learning– Reasoning– Problem solving– PerceptionPerception– Language understanding

• AI has become an essential part of the technology industry, providing theAI has become an essential part of the technology industry, providing the heavy lifting for many of the most difficult problems in computer science.

– Prediction– Classification– Classification– Regression– Clustering

F ti ti i ti– Function optimization

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Why is AI powerful?

• The power resides in the combination of disciplines that tackle the same

y p

• The power resides in the combination of disciplines that tackle the same problems as AI: learn and understand, to solve problems and to make decisions.

• AI is fed from many disciplinesPhil h L i th d f i i d h i l t– Philosophy: Logic, methods of reasoning, mind as physical system, foundations of learning, language, rationality.

– Mathematics: Formal representation and proof, algorithms, computation, ( ) ( )(un)decidability, (in)tractability.

– Statistics : Modeling uncertainty, learning from data.– Economics: Utility, decision theory, rational economic agents.y y g– Neuroscience: Neurons as information processing units.– Psychology / NeuroScience: How do people behave, perceive, process

cognitive information represent knowledgecognitive information, represent knowledge.– Computer Engineering: Building fast computers.– Control Theory: Design systems that maximize an objective function over time.– Linguistics: Knowledge representation, grammars.

Page 5Research, Innovation and Development for supporting experts in their decisions

Basis of Artificial Intelligenceg

Philosophy• Discussion about

th ibilit f

Mathematical. • Philosophic bases

i f l

Computational linguistic

Cognitive psychology

Computational engineering

the possibility of a mechanical intelligence.

requires formal rules.

• Understanding language requires understanding of the subject matter

d th t t

• Behavior theories, rational behave basis.

• Some mechanism, hardware and tools are required for AI.

and the context.

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A possible map of the current AIp p

• Evolutionary Computation• Case-Based Reasoning

R i f t L i

• Non monotonic reasoning• Model based reasoning

C t i t ti f ti • Reinforcement Learning• Neural Network

• Data Analysis

• Constraint satisfaction• Qualitative reasoning• Uncertain reasoning• Temporal reasoningTemporal reasoning• Heuristic search

Reasoning Machine Learning


• Logic

Robotics, perception and natural language

Knowledge Management

• Robotics and control• Natural Language Processing

• Multiagents systems• Decision Support System• Knowledge management• Knowledge representation

g gprocessing

Natural Language Processing• Artificial vision

• Speech recognition

Knowledge representation• Ontology and semantic web• Computer-Human interaction

Page 7Research, Innovation and Development for supporting experts in their decisions

Research Group in Intelligent Systems• GRSI is a research group focused on Machine Learning, especially in

the field of Knowledge Discovery from Databases (KDD) (also

p g y

known as Data Mining) for extracting interesting patterns from moderate and large complex data.

– Created in 1994Created in 1994 – Recognized as consolidated by Generalitat de Catalunya since 2002.– Group is composed of 18 members.

F ll f J M í G ll i th h d f th– Full professor Josep María Garrell is the head of the group.– We tackle classification, prediction, regression, optimization,

recommendation and diagnosis problems which occur in complex and huge volume of data in domains such as….

Health Energy Telematic Learning

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Data Mining sets the differenceValue


How can we help them?Wisdom(Knowledge+ experience)

Why they are getting worse?

( g )

Knowledge(Information+ rules)How far do you

How many patients got worse?

(Information rules)

Information(Data + Context)

want to go?

How many patients are in the Intensive Care Unit?

(Data + Context)

Data Intensive Care Unit?

KDD allow experts to extract useful and hidden knowledge from data.

Volume The approach is valid for any domainBusiness, space, communication media, insurance companies,

financial services, health sciences, games, etc.

Page 9Research, Innovation and Development for supporting experts in their decisions

Research lines• GRSI works on the different stages of Knowledge Data

Discovery: characterization, pre-processing, analysis for a better understanding and improvement of machine learning techniques, methodologies to evaluate learners and post-processing.

Problem Analysis

Data Analysis

D t


Data Processing




Page 10Research, Innovation and Development for supporting experts in their decisions

Data Mining applicationsg pp


Knowledge discovery

Association rulesClassification


Page 11Research, Innovation and Development for supporting experts in their decisions

Techniquesqn C t t g S l bl s Si l t s M th



n Create computer programs inspired by the process of natural selection and genetic laws for search R


ning Solves new problems

using other previously solved.E.g. Retrieve a set of al


orks Simulate some

properties of biological neural networks to replicate how ‘our neurons’ works xit

y met

rics Measure the

‘complexity’ of a problem in terms of class separability and the discriminant power



Co laws for search,

optimization and machine learning.E.g. Look for the best



ed g

similar mammographic images to a expert according to a set of criteria.


a neurons works.E.g. Build system that is able to replicate a behavior based on a



plex the discriminant power

of features.E.g. Relate how the data complexity affects

f f

Evo equation that

represents a set of points. So

ft C set of inputs and

outputs previously known.

the performance of algorithms in order to adjust them properly.

Page 12Research, Innovation and Development for supporting experts in their decisions

GRSI members

DirectorGarrell Guiu Josep M PhD

Member emeritiBacardit Jaume PhD UKGarrell Guiu, Josep M., PhD

Assistant executive directorFornells Herrera, Albert, PhD

M b

Bacardit, Jaume, PhD, UKCastanys Tutzó, Mireia, PhDFarguell Matesanz, Enric, PhDLl à X i PhD USAMembers

Bernadó Mansilla, Ester, PhDCamps Dausà, Joan

Llorà, Xavier, PhD, USA Martorell Rodon, Josep Maria, PhDMacià Antolínez, Núria, PhDp ,

Corral Torruella, Guiomar, PhDGarcía Piquer, ÁlvaroGarriga Berga Carles PhD

Nettleton, David, PhDOrriols-Puig, Albert, PhD, USASalamó Llorente Maria PhDGarriga Berga, Carles, PhD

Golobardes Ribé, Elisabet, PhDNicolàs Sans, Rubén

Salamó Llorente, Maria, PhDPazienza de Filippis, Giovanni Egidio,

PhD, Hungary

Rios Boutín, JoaquimSancho Asensio, AndreuTeixidó Navarro FrancescTeixidó Navarro, FrancescVernet Bellet, David

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• Research Group in Intelligent SystemsDescriptors– Descriptors

– Research on Data Mining• Projects related to health Sciences

– Decision support system for Breast Cancer – Data Mining as support for melanoma experts

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Breast cancer diagnosis

• Goal: Development of a tool for intelligent retrieval of mammographic imagesby content analysis in order to help experts in the diagnosis process.


by content analysis in order to help experts in the diagnosis process.

Di it li ti Mammographic capture

Digitalization, segmentation and feature

extractionRetrieval of

mammographic records Diagnosis support

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Melanoma diagnosis TIN2006-15140-C03-03

• Goal: Help experts in the melanoma characterization for improving melanoma diagnosis


Characterization Patterns Medical protocols

Decision support systemspp y

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Telematic vulnerabilities TIN2006-15140-C03-03

• Goal: Provide tools to the security analyst for helping them in the security analysis tasks by means of the identification of problematic situations which are nottasks by means of the identification of problematic situations which are not obviously.


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Active Demand Management

• Goal: Integration of system (OS), distribution (OD) and sellers (CM) agents for anefficient management of demand


efficient management of demand.

OSDesign and

implementation of agent communication Design and develop

intelligent devices for the


gmanagement of energy

demand at home

CL Pattern identification Develop of specific rates for clients Analysis of client demand

Page 18Research, Innovation and Development for supporting experts in their decisions


Integris: INTElligent GRId Sensor

• Goal: Integration and management of communication technologies in smart-

communications FP7 ICT-Energy-2009-1, Objective 6.5, #247938

grids for assuring QoS, security and reliability.

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