Report Text About School Prestige


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group 3 :1.Meisy Retno Wulan Sari2.Ummu Latifah3.Ahmad Bagus Sektiono

School Prestige

Identification : School is place a for us to study ,

there we got many knowlage and we can add our friend’s . Now i’m studying at SMA Negeri 1 Babat . That is belong to a favorite school in Lamongan city es specially at Babat .

Description : SMA Negeri 1 Babat also got many

trophies in many kind of competition district level , provincial level , and national level . One of them is sosiologi’s championship in solo , Central Java in 2013 getting the first winner . The big university also can be entered by the student’s of SMA Negeri 1 Babat , such as UI , ITS , ITB , UGM , UA , etc .

Those achievements also got many suport headmaster , teacher , and many friend’s. SMA Negeri 1 BABAT also offers many extraculicullar for every student that have tallent such as basket ball ,volly ball ,EEC ,etc. That all describe from we , i hope we can be the gold generation for our school , our country and for our family .

Question :1.What achievements have been obtainet by the

student SMA Negeri 1 babat ?2.On the year SMA Negeri 1 Babat gets

championship ?3.What kind of extracuricullar in SMA Negeri 1

Babat ?4.College what can be in the translucent students

SMA Negeri 1 Babat ?5.Entered in the championship what levels ?

Answer :

1.Sosiologi’s championship 2.In 2013 year 3.Basketball , vollyball , EEC and etc . 4.Entrance at college UI,ITS ,ITB ,UGM and etc . 5.Level in national .

Thank you
