Report text


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By :1.2. 3.4.5.

Class : XI IPA 3

Report is a text which presents information

about something, as it is. It is as a result of

systematic observation and analysis.

Purpose / function

1. Title :

Indicates topic of the report.

2. General Classification :

Stating classification of general aspect of thing;

animal, public place, plant, etc which will be

discussed in general.

3. Description :

Describing the thing which will be discussed in

detail; part per part , customs or deed for living

creature and usage for materials.

Generic Structure

•The use of general nouns

( ex : animals, vertebrates)

• The use of relating verbs

( ex : is, are, has )

•The use of present tenses

( ex : All fish are vertebrates with gills for breathing)

•The use of behavioral verbs

( ex : Fish live in nearly every underwater habitat, from near

freezing Arctic waters to hot desert springs ; from mud ponds to the deepest

ocean abyss)

•The use of technical terms

( ex: Fish are an important source of protein for millions of people


Language Features

The kinds of the report text

• Textbooks• encyclopedias• scientific magazines • historical• factual reading books• magazine• etc

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