Reimagining Scholarly Communication for the Public Good



Scholarly communication is no longer exclusively about specialization and exchange only between elite peers. Due to the expansion of digital technologies in the academy, scholars in a range of disciplines are changing the way they produce knowledge, do peer-review, publish, teach and, for some, engage in scholar-activism. This talk gives an overview of some of these changes and presents a brief description of a bold experiment in higher education, JustPublics@365, which is meant to demonstrate how we might reimagine scholarly communication for the public good.

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Reimagining Scholarly Communication for the Public Good

Jessie Daniels, PhD

Colin Powell School for Civic and Global LeadershipThe City College of New York

September 18, 2014

Twitter: @JessieNYC



@ 365 Fifth Avenue

scholarly communication

"Academics are living in a fool's paradise if they

think they can hold on to their ivory tower.

The public is no longer prepared to subsidize

our academic pursuits. 

We have to demonstrate our public worth."

~ Michael Burawoy, 2004

legacy academic scholarship

learning from journalism

pre-21st century, analog, closed, removed from the public

sphere, monastic


This was the only option for publishing.

We typed words & paragraphs on paper.

That technology had some problems.

This was “cut and paste.”

This is where we would go to find & read information.

This is how we looked things up.

Many journals or books not open & accessible.

Measuring “Impact”

How many inches?

expansion of digital technologies

What is ‘digital’ & why does it matter?

changing scholarship

peer-review is changing

changing pedagogy

From ‘MOOC’ to ‘POOC’

changing activism

‘Battle of Seattle’

Jena 6 Protests

Occupy Wall Street

Tahrir Square

changing the scholar-activist


Unique Visitors (each month): ~ 200,000Total Visitors (since 2007): 2.7 million

Individual Blog Posts: 1,621Comments from readers: 10,563Subscribers: 10,268Authors: 125

publishing is changing

how we measure success

is changing


Evidence of Reputation


Open Access Increases Impact

21st century, digital, open, connected to the public

sphere, worldly


”Disciplinary and subdisciplinary

specialization, and the emphasis on internal

academic communication, peaked

in the late twentieth century. North American

social science is increasingly oriented

outward and focused on pressing public

problems. "

~ Craig Calhoun 2010


sociopolitical context of academia

funding is changing


MediaCamp Workshops

for Academics, Activists

The POOC: Opening Education

videos open to anyone

readings open to anyone

Knowledge Streams


Data Maps

Data Visualizations

Produced 4 e-Books


Podcast Series

“metrics that matter”

Changing Landscape of Higher Ed

Twitter: @JessieNYC

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