Recce form for at home


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Recces For Home

By Drew Allen

Address and Map Of Location.




My location for my second photo shoot will take place at my house In Essington. Here I will take pictures for my double page spread. I will take pictures of a single man, which will be the lead singer of AC/DC for my double page spread.

Why It’s A Suitable Location For The Scene

I have chosen my house for my second location, which is where I will take pictures for my double page spread. I have chosen my house for the location of my photo shoot because I have all of the clothes and props, such as microphones, there and there are lots of different places to take Pictures. For example there is lots of beautiful scenery outside the front of the house and outside the back and there are plain white wall inside which I can use and then add my own background in later on in Photoshop. Also inside there is lots of light and I can add my own light, so that I am able to get good quality pictures.

The Availability Of The Location

I have chosen my house as the second location to take pictures for my double page spread because there is no open and closing time. This means that I am not restricted with time at the venue.

Contact Details Of The Location

Address: 102, Broad lane, Essington, Wolverhampton


Telephone: 07506166587

Power Sources At The Location

The power sources for my equipment are at the back of the room b. The power sources are obstructed by the sofas so they are hard to get to. I will try and charge my equipment before the shoot begins so that I don’t have to move the sofas to plug my equipment in. Also by charging my equipment before I get to the venue to will have more time. The equipment I am going to be using has been safety checked and is safe to use in any situation.

Lighting Issues At The Location

Although the lighting that the venue is bright it is not set. I can not set the light to how I want so I will have to edit it in Photoshop later or add in my own lighting but it wont be professional. This is more time consuming than going to a professional studio where the lights can be set to how I want the mood of the picture to look. Although because it is a bright, light venue I am able to take good pictures and edited them later.

Images Of The Location