Re imagining the museum




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Re-imagining the Museum

Tony ButlerDirector of the Museum of East Anglian Life

Resilience Happiness Social Enterprise Flow Social Capital Co-operation Transition

Assets ParticipationTrust Rallying points

• For a community to function and be sustainable, the basic needs of its residents must be met. A socially sustainable community must have the ability to maintain and build on its own resources and have the resiliency to prevent and/or address problems in the future.

• To be effective and sustainable, both individual and community resources need to be developed and used within the context of four guiding principles - equity, social inclusion and interaction, security, and adaptability.

Vancouver City Council 2005

Characteristics of resilience

Carnegie UK Trust

1. People (human capital)

Carnegie UK Trust

2. Culture (cultural capital)

Carnegie UK Trust

3. Systems (built/natural capital)

Carnegie UK Trust

4. Links (Bridging & Linking Social Capital; Political capital)

Carnegie UK Trust

Characteristics of resilience

Carnegie UK Trust

Asset-Based Community Development

… takes as its starting point the existing assets and strengths of community, particularly the strengths inherent in community based associations and other social networks. It defines assets not just as physical capital assets such as buildings but the distinctive qualities of the environment and the skills of people within the community.

Mathie, A., & Cunningham, G. ( 2003),

Letting people define for themselves what’s special about a place, and what matters about it... That’s the key. Government agencies and large bodies can’t stand this. They want to define things; they want to keep tabs... only ordinary people can make ordinary places matter

Sue Clifford, Common Ground

Our principles

What makes people happy ?

For every £1 invested we gain over £4 of social value

Valuing and encouraging happiness and emotional investmentJoint local approaches to progressionHidden value of family outcomesKey investment in cultural heritage


The home base of the economy is the household, the neighbourhood, the community and civil society. That is the economy that co-production seems to rebuild and to reconstruct.

Edgar S Cahn 2006

Public policy can more easily remove misery than augment happiness.

Happiness (2007) Richard Layard

Positive Psychology

• Positive Emotion The Pleasant Life

• Eudaemonic Flow The Good Life

• Using your strengths to create something greater than you are The Meaningful Life

• We would spend less time treating mental illness if we spend more time promoting mental wellness.

Martin Seligman 612229

