Rainforest (3)


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World Rainforests

This map shows tropical rainforestsThe Amazon Rainforest is home to many different kinds of species of flora. These plants include;

Types and kinds

Red Fungus (Fungi)

Plants in the rainforestThe Amazon Rainforest is home to many different kinds of species of flora. These plants include;Red Fungus (Fungi)Red Fungi is found on old rotting logs and is a hard, woody plant. Red Fungi is often seen on jungle tours or walks. 

The species of this fungi is found in the Tropic area and locate don the dark forest floor. Red Fungi is also known for having medicinal qualities. Red Fungi cleanses and assures that your organs function correctly.

Twisted Liana

Twisted Liana is a long stemmed vine that feels very woody and rough. It's roots are locked into the soil and swirls around other plants. Twisted Liana swirls and climbs up and around other plants to reach the tops of the canopy. .

Once the twisted liana reaches the top of the canopy it opens its leaves to catch the bright light. Twisted Liana is a very important component in the making of rainforests. Without liana there would be no strong vines holding up our rainforests today. Twisted Liana can be located in Tropical and Temeperate rainforests

Why are they important to us?

Rainforests turn carbon dioxide into oxygen and reduce the greenhouse affect.Rainforests plants provide sources of medicines.Rainforests are the only home of many rare animals.

Why are they becoming extinct?

The biggest causes of rainforest destruction are logging and mining, and clearing for farming.


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More then 2/3 of the world’s plant species are found in tropical rainforests.

Scientists have used many rainforest plants to make medicines.


FaunaLife in the rainforest is filled with predator/prey relationships.

This helps to keep the food chain balanced.

Made by:Pansy Osama

AL Asmy

The End
