Ragging bull


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The clip opens with a establishing shot of a man inside a boxing ring. An establishing shot is used to identify the place of action but also to introduce the setting that of a boxing match and one which is major shown through the mies-en-scene of the shot e.g. camera flashes, the crowd in background and the ShowTime lights up top which all illustrates that this is possibly a paramount boxing event and that the character is a famous sportsmen. The mies-en-scene helps connotes an atmosphere (genre) of action drama and violence.

• The main protagonist is easily identifiable as the man in the ring. However not much can be seen of his facial expression but it is very clear he is very focused and rhythmic which is further emphasised by the use of non-diegetic music which is sad, poetic, romantic, peaceful--nothing at all like the man he is in reality. yet in the ring, the music fits his “poetic like motion.” reinforcing his art like repeated timed movement which sets the narrative of a fight about to happen heightening the tension before the match begins. The lighting in this opening scene is dark and misty setting the scene for a fight by heightening the tension and creating a mysterious enigmatic ambiance. The mist also is used to suggest all eyes should be on the man in the ring.


The use of slow motion in the opening scene entwines with the rhythmic music to create a hypnotic sense around the protagonist but at the same time creating a graceful art like ambiance. The slow-motion also helps the audience have a higher focus on the protagonist. Also black and white visuals enhance the films overall effectiveness and gives it a documentary-like feel, particularly in the non-boxing scenes.

TitlesIn the opening sequence the institution of the film is established straight away, the company who produced the film ‘MGM’ is a large film corporation who are famous for making many high quality films such as, ‘Alex in Wonderland’ and ‘Licence to Kill'. The audience now realises that this film will be of a very high standard as the company have a very high reputation of success which will be carried out further in this film as the institution has produced the film to, primarily, make money from the film. The other company “United Artists” is a sub company owned by the MGM conglomerate and therefore the same can be said about them.
