Radial analysis


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Bold title-enhances the image, making them both stand well together.

Having the title at the top of the page, the image being so large, and using very little text, it stands out dramatically showing just how much of an icon John Lennon was and why the magazine is doing a 30th anniversary special.

The tall thin text combines well with his narrow face

The colour red used on a black and white background stands out dramatically, the colour red, being associated with blood and horror, can also be linked with love and passion and with the words saying ‘His genius, His demons, His final hours’. It has a mixture of different feelings. Relating well to the chosen colour of red.

Using a dramatic title like ‘The day music died’ adds to the tone of the article. It highlights how celebrated he was as an artist and the contribution that he made to the industry.

The camera distance is a close up image. The image shows a clear image of John Lennon, showing his relaxed facial expression.

The use of a black and white, links the artist to the past. It also creates a negative mood, which links to the message of the magazine.

The list highlights a number of artists can draw readers in, wanting to know who the next big act is. The list shows how many artists are covered in the magazine; this would encourage people to buy the magazine as they are getting value for money.


Another black and white image links the artist to the past. It also creates a negative mood, which links to the message of the magazine being an anniversary of his death.

Having an image cover the whole page stands out, drawing the reader in to read the opposite page

Smoking again… This could have a pattern to do with the time that Lennon was around showing that a lot of people smoked, a lot of the time.

The use of the colour red with the first letter makes the article stand out, it also connotes well with the theme of the magazine.

Very large font used, with capital letters, enhancing the importance of the artists impact on music.

The font being black bodes well with the style of the magazine, black also being simple and bold.

An image in the middle of the article brakes up the writing giving readers a break from reading.

More writing in red, being associated with blood and horror, can also be linked with love and


The magazines headline is the name of the artist as the article is all about him. The font has a wonky aspect to it implying that maybe Green Day’s Billie Armstrong is quite quirky and odd, which then adds to the style of the band being punk/rock.

This double age spread has two columns of text. It has some quotes highlighted to make them stand out to the reader, the article begins by introducing the reader to Billie Joe Armstrong, and what kind of character he is.

It carries on the house style of a scrap book with ripped pages, sticky tape, pencil lines and scribbles.

The photo was taken in a studio, which shows the artist in a bold pose enhancing the style of music through his clothing and stance. From wearing colours such as black, it gives an edge of darkness. Also by wearing skinny jeans, A studded belt, black hair and black eyes, giving the reader the impression of rock.

It uses a pull quote which tells us about the group and their music. “Punk has always been about doing things your way”. This gives the impression that Billie does everything his way not caring what he does.

‘The boss’ making Billie Joe Armstrong seem very important.

It has five columns of text, spread around the photos. The main photo has all three numbers, standing with their instruments, this portrays the music style that they have; guitar, ass guitar and drums are linked to rock music.

The colours are stereotypically boy colours of blue, black and grey, however red has also been used giving it a different vibe.

The headline on this double page spread is small making it look insignificant, but a reader would know what the article is about from the photo on the opposite page.

The groups facial expressions are serious with one member looking out to the reader, this shows that he is the lead artist. It also uses past photos, of photo shoots, live performances and them practising and recording.

The title of ‘Muse’ is very small- this is surprising as they are a very popular band, however the beginning of the article uses a large ‘M’ this gives the article a better effect.

Black and white images used to give the magazine links to the past. It also creates a negative mood.

The list highlights a number of artists can draw readers in, wanting to know who the next big act is. The list shows how many artists are covered in the magazine; this would encourage people to buy the magazine as they are getting value for money

‘Dirty' juxtaposes with the word ‘Princess’, as they are both words associated with different connotations.

Using a provocative image of Christina Aguilera attracts a male audience.

The use of the colour red is extremely effective as it connotes a variety of things-such as blood, violence, horror but then it can also connote love, passion and romance which then could represent her passion or love for music.

The blue font used with the blue guitar to enhance the main image of Christina Aguilera.

The image has a sex appeal to it, however the use of the guitar covering her gives the magazine some boundaries.

The font style for the rolling stones magazine is an on going font that is used in every new magazine made- giving the magazine a trademark font.

In Q this magazine it is quite simple with how it is laid out, It is very textual but still uses images to contrast with the main stories.

They have used colouring of red, black, white and beige on their ‘Oasis Special’ section. They have gone along with the theme of the magazine logo colours (white and red) But calmed it down with a tone of black behind the titles.

They have a main page for their main/most popular story. They have a thumbnail sized photo near the section of their reviews.

Along the bottom of the list is another section or monthly things such as cross words; and subscriptions.

Along the top right of the page they have the issue number, date and year of the magazine which helps readers to keep track of what magazine is what.

By crowding the Contents page, it implies that the readers are getting their moneys worth.

The colour red has been used in random occurrences, giving the magazine a bit more colour.
