Quiz2 midterm


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1. When creating a new project, we left the "Create Main Class" checkbox

deselected. Why? (5 points)

2. The _____ contains all of the components offered by the Swing API. (2 points)

3. What is the purpose of the Design Area? (5 points)

4. Explain the difference between the Source and Design tabs. (5 points)

5. Name 5 advantages to editing an object with the Property Editor (as opposed to

editing it directly in the source code.) (5 points)

6. We’ve done with 3 Swing models, draw each model and label each swing objects

and state each function. (5 points each)

7. Describe the process for setting two components to the same width in the Design

Area. (5 points)

8. Enumerate ways on how to change a variable name for each swing components.

(5 points each )

9. How to trigger a code from the design area to generate it on the source tab,

explain your answer. (5 points)

10. Why there are two kinds of tabs in the IDE, How can you assess this two and

give the roles of it in swing applications. (5 points)
