Quiz About Food


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Quiz about food

You strive to success, learn more about something, read books so

you can… A) get daily bread; B) live in clover; C) have the cream of society.

You can’t be successful because you…

A) get carrot and stick;B) pull the chestnuts of the fire;C) make pears hanging around.

If you’re in the captivity, you must be…

A) dumb as an oyster;B) might as well talk to brick wall;C) a professor of cabbage.

If it is…, you’ll go to this place. A) smeared with honey;B) as easy as apple pie;C) packed like sardines.

You have a problem but you can’t solve it, you’ll…

A) say : “later alligator”;B) let porridge will not weld;C) make beans to dissolve.

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