Question Hour 2016: World Politics Quiz PRELIMS


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Conducted by: Krishnadev Roy


GENERAL RULES• 20 Question Prelims• Top 8 teams qualify for the final• Question nos. 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 are star marked• The no. of correct starred questions will be used

to break ties, if any• If that’s not enough, then we follow the rule of

‘first mistake’ or sudden death• Prelims scores shall be used to break ties in the

final• Please do not consult your friend Google during

the quiz• Quizmaster’s decision is final

Good luck!

1*• Image next slide.• Describe what you see in one word (a

Geopolitical term)

Balkanization• The process of fragmentation or

division of a region or state into smaller regions or states that are often hostile or uncooperative with one another.

2• The term ______ _________ has two meanings.• It was an economic system proposed in 1902

by Pierre Biétry, as an alternative to the "Red Socialism" advocated in Marxism. It was prominent until World War I, competing with Marxism for support among workers.

• ______ _________ was also a Marxist term of abuse for all non-Marxist socialists.

• After the war, the movement became absorbed into fascism, and the previously developed Austrian national socialism which from 1920 developed into Nazism.

• Fill in the blanks.

Yellow Socialism

3• Flag of what that is used during

sporting events?• It has no status as an official flag in

any country.• Image follows

Unified Korea• The Unification Flag is designed to

represent all of Korea when North and South Korea participate as one team in sporting events.

4• The 1984 anti-Sikh riots was a series

of pogroms directed against Sikhs in India, by anti-Sikh mobs, most notably by members of the Congress party, in response to the assassination of Indira Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards.

•  Rajiv Gandhi was sworn in as Prime Minister after his mother's death and, when asked about the riots, he gave a very famous yet controversial reply.

• What did he say ?

“When a big tree falls, the Earth shakes.”

5*• X refers to a sudden, violent overthrow of an

existing government by a small group.• The chief prerequisite for X is the control of all

or part of the armed forces, the police, and other military elements.

• Unlike a revolution, which is usually achieved by large numbers of people working for basic social, economic, and political change, X is a change in power from the top that merely results in the abrupt replacement of leading government personnel.

• So what is X ?

Coup d’état

6• Writing about the transition of ________ from

military gear to commercial product, Vanessa Brown wrote that, “The War was a … revelation of the sheer might, scale, power, and horror of the modern world … [which] necessitated a new kind of military demeanour and gave rise to new definitions of the heroic stance which was to have a profound influence on modern fashion.”

• It is something that became hugely popular during World War II.

• What is being talked about here ?


7• According to X's account, on May 8, 1991, she was escorted

to Y's room in the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he propositioned and exposed himself to her.

• She claimed she kept quiet about the incident until 1994, when a David Brock story in the American Spectator magazine printed an account.

• X filed a sexual harassment suit against Y on May 6, 1994, two days before the three-year statute of limitations, and sought $750,000 in damages.

• Eventually, the court dismissed the X harassment lawsuit, before trial, on the grounds that X failed to demonstrate any damages. However, while the dismissal was on appeal, Y entered into an out-of-court settlement by agreeing to pay X $850,000.

• Identify X and Y.

X: Paula JonesY: Bill Clinton

8• A ______ _____ is a country lying between two rival

or potentially hostile greater powers.• Its existence can sometimes be thought to prevent

conflict between them. A ______ _____ is sometimes a mutually agreed upon area lying between two greater powers, which is demilitarized in the sense of not hosting the military of either power (though it will usually have its own military forces).

• The invasion of a ______ _____ by one of the powers surrounding it will often result in war between the powers.

• Fill in the blanks

Buffer State

9Whose selected Filmography ? [Clue: this is a Politics Quiz]• Love Is on the Air, 1937• Girls on Probation, 1938• Brother Rat, 1938• Smashing the Money Ring, 1939• Tugboat Annie Sails Again, 1940• Alice in Movieland, 1940• Million Dollar Baby, 1941• Mister Gardenia Jones, 1942• This Is the Army, 1943• Louisa, 1950• She's Working Her Way Through College, 1952• Prisoner of War, 1954• Hellcats of the Navy, 1957• The Killers, 1964

Ronald Reagan

10*• ______ _________ is a situation where important

laws and reforms are not passed because of lack of commitment on part of the government or inability of the government to reach a consensus over the correct variation of the reform.

• For example, Jan Lokpal had been in the parliament for quite some time before it's been passed. It was lack of commitment or political willingness of our politicians that had led to the delay. Or the inability of the government to reach consensus on important reforms like GST or DTC.

• What two word term, that is almost like a catchphrase in India, am I looking for ?

Policy Paralysis

11• What is Urban Dictionary describing here?• “Usually associated with upper-middle-income

white people, but not necessarily. Can involve driving the right car, getting the right foods, having a professional/white-collar job, always having "nice" things, $4 lattes at Starbucks or elsewhere because you think you're above Starbucks, having a well-diversified stock portfolio and other retirement savings, having a special set of dishes and everything else just for Christmas, status-symbol kids or pets, carbon offsets, thinking $15 wine is cheap, listening to NPR, and gentrifying neighbourhoods”


12• The pictures in the next few slides

became very popular following a certain incident in 2011.

• What is its claim to fame ?• Need a few keywords

• Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, where he was killed

13• How would you connect the following

nationalities ? (inexhaustive)• The Afrikaners, the Albanians, the

Bulgarians, the Danes, the Dutch, the Estonians, the Georgians, the Germans, the Ancient Greeks, the Icelanders, the Nigerians, the Norwegians, the Pakistanis, the Poles, the Portuguese, the Somali, the Swedes and the Swiss 

Fatherland Nations

14• X is a 1977 film directed by Amrit Nahata, starring Shabana Azmi,

Raj Babbar, Utpal Dutt, among others.• The film was a satire on the politics of Indira Gandhi and her

son Sanjay Gandhi and was banned by the Indian Government during the Emergency period and all prints were confiscated.

• The film was submitted to the Censor Board for certification in April 1975. The film had spoofed the Sanjay Gandhi auto-manufacturing plans, besides Congress supporters like Swami Dhirendra Brahmachari, private secretary to Indira Gandhi, R.K. Dhawan, and Rukhsana Sultana. A show-cause notice raising 51 objections was sent to the producer by the Information and Broadcasting ministry.

• In his reply submitted on July 11, 1975, Nahata (producer) stated that the characters were "imaginary and do not refer to any political party or persons".

• Identify the film, X.

Kissa Kursi Ka

15*• “After hearing from our community, we looked again at

how our Community Standards were applied in this case. An image of a naked child would normally be presumed to violate our Community Standards, and in some countries might even qualify as child pornography. In this case, we recognize the history and global importance of this image in documenting a particular moment in time," Facebook said in a statement on 9th September, 2016.

• The editor of Norway's largest newspaper, Espen Egil Hansen said that the 1972 Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Nick Ut was taken down by Facebook after it was published there by Tom Egeland, a Norwegian writer since Facebook has a strict policy on images that show nudity.

• What image is being talked about ?

Napalm Girl

16• This is one of the most iconic

pictures to have been taken in modern history.

• Identify the person whose face has been blanked out.

• Image follows.

Che Guevara

17• Iranian Judoka, Arash Miresmaeili was the favourite

for the gold medal in the 2004 Summer Olympics.• As things turned out, he was disqualified even before

the first round began after he was found to be overweight before his bout.

• Despite the setback, the then President of Iran was reported to have stated that the nation considered him to be “The Champion of the 2004 Olympic Games.”

• It was later found out that Arash had gone on an eating binge the night before the bout to purposely increase his own weight.

• What was the reason behind the such a drastic decision ?

• He refused to fight his Irsaeli opponent to sympathise with the suffering of the people of Palestine.

18• The Siege of X was a prolonged military blockade

undertaken mainly by the German Army Group North against X, historically and currently known as St. Petersburg, in the Eastern Front theatre of World War II. The siege started on 8 September 1941, when the last road to the city was severed.

• The Battle of Y (23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943) was a major battle on the Eastern Front of World War II, in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Y in Southern Russia, on the eastern boundary of Europe.

• For full points, identify both X and Y.

X: LeningradY: Stalingrad

19• The word X derives from a Greek term that

translates simply as “dominance over” and that was used to describe relations between city-states.

• Its use in political analysis was somewhat limited until its intensive discussion by the Italian politician and philosopher Antonio Gramsci.

• X is basically the dominance of one group over another, often supported by legitimating norms and ideas.

• “The term X is today often used as shorthand to describe the relatively dominant position of a particular set of ideas and their associated tendency to become commonsensical and intuitive, thereby inhibiting the dissemination or even the articulation of alternative ideas.” - Encyclopædia Britannica

• What is X ?


20*• This speech  is considered to be one

of the great public addresses of the modern era.

• Identify the voice.

Robert F. Kennedy