Question Four: Construction


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Question FourHow did you use media technologies in the research and planning,

construction and evaluation stages?


For a professional quality I used a DSLR Camera to record the visuals of my trailer with the use of a tripod and hand held stabiliser. These two platform allowed me to get steady shots and a variety of angles.

I used the Yeti microphone to record my audio including voice overs and sound effects such as

the crow noises. I was able to record using the programme Audacity, this allowed me to alter the

sounds including pitch and reverb.

AFTER EFFECTS CS6With the use of After Effects, I was able to create an exciting ident which I followed from a tutorial. As I had never used After effects before, it was difficult trying to find out how to manoeuvre the software application and adjusting to the range of special effects and tools.

After producing my ident, I felt comfortable enough to use the software again to create my ‘b u r n o u t’ title which I used in my trailer. I think it worked well and adds a level of complexity to my production.


Premiere pro is a editing software for video making. I have used this for the majority of my trailer and with ease created a dynamic and interesting composition.

There are a variety of techniques and special effects that can be used on premiere pro. Although I mainly focused on the fading in and out technique to create tension and smooth transitions. I was also able to colour grade my footage to create a unique and thriller-esc atmosphere.

ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS6Adobe Photoshop is a graphic editing program developed and published by Adobe systems.

This was the main editing tool I used to create my poster and magazine cover. Its quick and easy to use with a vast range of effects and techniques.

The multi layer design allowed me to play around with different images creating new compositions. I think my ancillary texts came out well and reflect the trailer effectively.