Question 4 Jessica Cowgill


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Question 4

How did you use Media technologies is the construction, research,

planning and evaluation stages?

• Throughout the production of my music video many of different technologies have been used. Some not as relevant as the others, some were slightly used but not used too much as the programmes were very time consuming and difficult to use. These technologies used consist of websites, editing programmes, filming/studio equipment etc.

• Google is a widely used search engine used by most people in this project. It hosts and develops a number of Internet-based services and products. By inserting a key word it is extremely easy to find what you are looking for and therefore plays a key role in the media project.

• Wikipedia was a great help during the research and planning, it provided the correct record label for artists we were researching, it also helped determine the correct genre an artist is, rather than guessing and being wrong we double checked using Wikipedia. This was helpful in finding out Beyoncé's record label and the address to send the copyright permission letter.

• We used Blogger to post our coursework on as we went along, this started with the research and planning and is ending with the evaluation. It is a very simple and easy website to use making it less stressful to complete and post coursework.

• The main reason YouTube was used was to upload our finished music videos onto Blogger. Another reason is for research and planning, we used YouTube to embed other well known music videos onto our blog and compare them to what we wanted ours to be like, videos that inspired us and sparked our creativity.

Camera (filming)

• The camera we used for the filming was HD, this was new to us as last year we used lower quality cameras, the different settings on this camera was fun to learn how to use. For example the white balance and the focus. This meant the green screening was very sharp and looked more professional.

Camera (stills)

• The camera we used for the stills was 12 megapixels and easy to use. We filmed and took the photos at different times to ensure they do not look exactly the same. This added diversity to the project.

• PowerPoint has played a key part in my evaluation, also in the research and planning side. It made work look more interesting and easier to read rather than work being in big boring chunks.

• Slideshare is an easy website to use that enables you to upload PowerPoint presentations onto Blogger. It was easy to register/log-in thanks to the Facebook log-in app, meaning it is easier for everyone to log in.

• With all of these technologies used for this part of the project I came across no issues or problems.


• The main technologies used during the construction of our project was Final Cut. Last year we used IMovie, which in comparison is very simple and left us lacking skills that could be easily learnt. I prefer Final Cut to IMovie as it is more precise and organised. The main part of Final Cut that was used was the Chroma Key, this meant we could green screen leaving our projects looking more professional.


• The computers we used were Macs, I personally really enjoyed working on these, they’re very easy to get used to. I didn’t have any faults or difficulties with the macs, they never crashed and it was easy to find files on them.

Ancillary Task

• The main technologies used for the ancillary task was Adobe InDesign and PhotoShop.

InDesign and PhotoShop

• These two programmes helped a lot to make our ancillary task stand out and look more professional. We didn’t alter the image in any way like most artists do, mostly because of lack of skills and time to learn. We did however create a background for a couple of panels.

• We used this website to find a decent font to use for our panels for free.

• The font in this panel was found and downloaded off DaFont.

Evaluation production.

• The three websites/programmes I used for this part of the project was PowerPoint, Blogger, Google, YouTube and Slideshare. This shows how helpful these technologies are in making an interesting coursework portfolio.

• I was going to use Prezi but I have previously had issues with this website and did not want to risk losing my work as that is what happened before. I also find it difficult to use.
