Question 3


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Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback

• The method I used to collect my audience feedback was a pair of interviews from two members of my target audience, one male and one female in order to gain perspective from both genders in order to assess to what extent it was successful.

• The results of my target audience where mostly positive with both stating that they liked the work, but they also gave me some beneficial feedback which I will outline in a later slide.

• Through collecting audience feedback on my production I was able to establish how the target audience had interpreted the characters. For example I learnt that both of the people I interviewed were able to identify that initially the relationship was not a very trusting one initially, before progressing through out the narrative. The Male also identified that the female character took the role of leader, which was a counter type that we had planned initially to have the female take control of the situation whereas usually it would be the male.

• This feedback suggested that my attempts to construct a representation of the characters through their actions and facial/bodily expressions was effective as the target audience were able to interpret it in a similar way to they way we intended after only one viewing (they accepted the intended reading). On reflection I am pleased that my target audience decoded the personality of my characters as I had intended, but I feel I that if the work space was longer (longer video) I could have developed them further using change in posture towards each other, for example on the train back they could have been looking at each other rather than away as they did on the train ride to Brighton.

Through collecting audience feedback on my production I was able to see how appealing my product was to my target audience. For example I learnt that both of the people I interviewed liked the products I produced and would be coerced into buying the product from the main task and the two ancillaries. The Female I interviewed stated that she liked the products but felt that in particular the advert would have benefitted from using the album cover as the main image rather than using the artist, this was something I considered in my research but decided against due to the minimalist nature of the front cover.

• This feedback suggested that although as individual products they were all successful in appealing to my target audience they could be improved to make the piece as a whole appealing. On reflection I am pleased that they appealed to my target audience however if I were to re-do this project I would take on board the feedback and make a front cover with an image that I could use as the centre piece for the other tasks.

Through collecting audience feedback on my production I was able to see what aspects in particular made the products appealing to my target audience. For example I found out that the Male liked the space theme and the visual aspects of the digipak (the stars and the planets that I made in Photoshop) and also found the conventional aspects appealing e.g. the visual representations of the album title, the inclusion of the artist and having aspects such as the track listing featured. The Female I interviewed stated that she felt that the two types of product (main video and two ancillaries) were not completely suited for each other, but also mentioned that she did not feel that this would detract from the attraction of each of the products.

• This feedback suggested that I was successful in creating conventional pieces that appealed to the audience, however was not entirely successful in completing a entire body of work that lends itself to each other completely an aspect that if I were to do this again would attempt to reduce. In evaluation I am pleased that the products appealed to my target audience however, I can see that if I could have found a way to have more links between the three products apart from artist imagery, name and house style I could have made the work more appealing to my target audience.

Through collecting audience feedback on my production I was able to find out how best to improve my work. One aspect that was a reoccurring theme was to add more colour to both the advert and the digipak, a criticism that is understandable as the main background for both is a dark grey. Another example of an improvement was to have the outside plainer and the inside being subject too theming, which I could achieve by reversing the layout of the digipak (outside now inside).

• This feedback suggested that the audience felt that the main improvement, the one picked up on by both was merely to make it more colourful, which would in turn make it link better to the music video. This is positive as there was not a multitude of issues that the audience felt would benefit from improving, and if this was a real product which would be released it is a aspect which could be changed without much issues. On balance I am pleased with the feedback that the audience gave me as I feel that the main areas for concern were justifiable, rather than just personal preference so this gives me a solid basis for improvement, meaning that the audience feedback was not only useful but also effective for me.
