Question 2 Media Studies A2 Evaluation


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Sources of light

Sun - set/riseToo nature based

Street lamp more urban


CandleNaked flame; holy connotations

LighterNaked flame - dangermore urban

Lightbulbnew ideas, creativity

How effective is the combination of your main product with ancillary

texts?Since I had used a lot of literal interpretation of the lyrics in my music video, I wanted to carry literal interpretation of the title into my digipak. I first looked at sources of light, as can be seen to the right. (This is a digital version of a poorly scanned diagram that I created in the early planning stages).I chose the sources of light that I considered to be more ‘urban’ and therefore most appropriate to the video. For instance, I chose a lighter over a candle – although both have naked flames, which signify danger in my opinion, the candle has holy connotations, whereas the lighter signifies trouble and smoking. There is somewhat of a sunset in my digipak as the image ultimately has the very tail end of a sunset in it.

The earliest of my designs do include candles, light bulbs and lighters. I have included these below to show how my designs have progressed over time (mainly because of the work on my music video).

Whilst the location I used in the end is not really an urban one, the cover still matches up with the video, because the area in which the video is set is not all that urban either – despite the skate park in it’s industrial setting, the house is in a suburban area and we also see Max at the beach. I feel the image I used is interesting because although it is clearly in the middle of nowhere, the phone box is illuminated at

where my name and candidate number flash up.

used, Droidiga, is at the section at the end Unfortunately the only inclusion of the font I the same font. across the products as I could have used have helped me to carry a brand image alternative, hip hop and rap). This could that The LaFontaines fit into – amidst rock, hop music, which is one of the sub-genres seen in rock music, it is noticeable in hip-Life’ (whilst this is not a convention I have for instance in Iggy Azalea’s ‘Change Your the title onscreen before the video begins – artists I have learned that some artists show watching other music videos from other more thoroughly through the products. From I think I could also have integrated the font

I do think I could have integrated my products better and that I would have been better off if I had done more forward planning and come up with the concept for the entire package at the beginning of the process. I would like to have included Max somewhere in the print production; since the artist is present in neither, it would have been good to at least have one recurring image. For instance, I could have had him standing in the phone box for the digipak or walking away from it in the magazine advert.

this is the preferred reading of my music video – something ultimately good (Max, represented through the presence of light) being surrounded by bad influences (the friends in the beginning of the video, represented through the blackness in the remainder of the image).

of isolation caused by the absolute darkness surrounding the image. This is symbolic as obvious. This is because in the advert, there is a strong sense magazine advertisement are slightly more In my opinion the links between the video and the them to be. probably not as obvious as I would have liked isolated phone box and the isolated boy are that I wanted in my video, as the links between the I think this would have created more of the links he drove past in a car with some ‘bad’ friends.brought it in. I would have had Max looking at it as as upon reflection I can see where I could have does not feature into the video, which is a shame in the beginning of the music video. The phone box hope, something which I think is evident Max needs I decided to use this as a symbol of safety and all times at night.

brand identity. order to maintain in my product in use certain colours only intended to the beginning I had

in the rest of my product. For instance, in does not fit as well in with the images used feel the bright green is quite obtrusive and and a relatively plain filter on my camera, I because of the dim light in the phone box Although the reason for the effect is the images on the inside look too terms of cinematography, but I feel that digipak fits nicely with the style of my video yellow, red and green. The front cover of the yellow whereas in my digipak they are blue, colours in my video are soft and slightly similar either, which is unfortunate. The The colours I have used are not really very

I don’t think I can include it.that would be included in a real music video However, since this is not the kind of thing

not shown. picture is taken from a different angle and hence the front is However I think I avoid continuity issues here because the title in a hand drawn style on the front of the phone box. The main difference here is the choice to feature the EP especially since the phone box features on both.

are very similar. I think it is easy to see that the magazine advertisement is for the digipak, match, as do the font sizes, and the colours utilized a particular brand style. The fonts In my print productions, I have certainly

are not really replicated in the video at all.the way I would like, and the bright colours feel that the digipak matches up with itself in Whilst this is not the end of the world, I don’t