Q6 evaluation


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Question 6:What have you learnt about the technologies from

the process of constructing this video

By Tom, Will, Josh and Ollie

Research & Planning Constructi


- Youtube- Art of the title- blogger- slideshare- BBFC - photopeach-keynote- facebook and twitter

- Camera - Logic- Final Cut-Compressor- Quicktime- Flixpress- Youtube Converter - Freeplay Music

- Prezi -Emaze - Slides

Research and Planning

Timetoast- We used this from of technology to show our horror shot photos because of this we provided evidence that we have been planning and practising certain horror shots due to this we are able to gain a better understanding of shots used in OTS’s

Research and Planning

Keynote- We presented all of our research and planning on keynote because we done the majority of work on Macs. Because of this we were able to show our teacher and examiners that we have gained a greater understanding of OTS’s. Because we have got a greater understanding of OTS’s we can create a better OTS

you will then be taken to this screen, from here you can either write out your own blog or embed a form of powerpoint. to embed,

copy the embedding code to the html section

Research and Planning Technology:

BloggerBlogger was a completely new technology to me as i had never used it before. It was a good way for us to present and store our research into our OTS.

To use blogger you must first load up your website with your own personal domain name.

You can then go to the top right and click new post

Once your post it ready it can then be published

Technology: Art of the title

We Used Art of the title to look at a variation of linear, non-linear and symbolic titles. This enabled us to get a clear understanding of what was expected in an opening title sequence, and how different genres of films presented different types of opening title sequences and different types of titles.

Research and Planning

We used the search bar shown in the top right to filter through a variation of different opening title sequences. we entered key words like slasher and symbolic to find a title sequence that was relevant to our group.

Research and Planning


We used the BBFC website ( British Board of Film Classification ) so that we was able to rate our film with the correct classification. The picture on the bottom right shows the process we had to go through so that the classification was met, otherwise it could cause huge problems as underage people could be shown explicit images such as blood and violence which were both present in our OTS.

• Twitter and Facebook

• We used twitter and Facebook to create synergy and to promote and publish our swede. We was able to understand what our target audience wanted and was able to get their feedback throughout the production which gave us information of what they liked and disliked. We also gained a connection with the audience through competitions to win prizes which will also gain interests from other audiences as want the chance to win.

• By doing this we gained background knowledge of how audiences interpreted our swede so when it come to our OTS we filtered all of our knowledge gained from this to improve our OTS.

Research and Planning

Research & Planning

Technology - Slide Share

We used slide share through out the researching and planning stage to upload our assignments from other form of technologies such as keynote/powerpoint to a blog post. Because we used slide share and we were

able to make our power points accessible for our audience to read but it also meant that we could show Miss Connell our work and show the examiners all the

research,planning, construction and evaluation work we have done. Slide share was mainly used at the research and planning stage due to us needing to get sufficient

knowledge on OTS’ before we could construct one.

Research & Planning

Technology -


We used Youtube to help us better our knowledge on OTS’ in general but also

better our knowledge of OTS’ in our certain sub genre. For example Youtube would help us know how OTS’ is constructed and styled.

Also we used Youtube through out our research and planning stages to get an idea

of what camera shots we should use, the use of mise en scene through out an OTS. Also we gained a better understanding of

how long our OTS should.


Camera- We used this to film our footage. This was a hand held camera therefore we could use this both in hand and on a tripod which gives us a different range of shots which increases the quality in our OTS


Flixpress.com- We used that technology to produce our production company bas an animation this was benefited as it helped us produce an ident for our film. This is crucial for the mark scheme

Logic proWe used logic to add

music and foley’s to our OTS. we were able to

filter through a variation of loops to try and find

one that we thought was suitable. once we found

one we thought appropriate we simply dragged it into place. We were also able to manipulate

and enhance the non diegetic sound in the film. This enabled us

to highlight the sound in key moments, such as when the knife was supposedly stabbing josh, we were able to enhance that sound and make it clear to the audience


ConstructionFinal Cut Pro:

This was the main technology that we used whilst editing.

we used it to cut shots and add

effects.To first upload the clips to final cut we used log

and transfer, this can be found

under file

Once the files have uploaded they will appear in this column

where they can be moved and


We were also able to add effects to our film using final cut. these could be found under the effects toolbar.

We used the effect of cross dissolve when we showed a

flashback. This effect made it easy to understand that a flashback was



• Free play music was a very useful technology as you was able to type in a genre of music for example Rock and it would bring up many copyright free and pay free music. In the end we didn’t use this for our music but it gave us a great insight to the genre of music we wanted.


• For the music for our OTS we went through youtube to find copyright free music where we had to copy the URL and place in on Youtube Converter which converts the music from Youtube to mp3, from there went to an mp3 file where we could put it into logic so that we could edit and place the music to where we wanted it to be and to suit the OTS at the right time.


Technology - Quicktime

We used quicktime in the construction stage to convert it from a final cut file to a

quicktime, once we had done this we could upload it onto youtube and then eventually embed it onto our blog which meant Miss Connell could see and also the examiners

could see it. Also because it was converted to a quicktime it meant we could export it and share it to wherever we wanted to share it,

also this made it accessible for our audience to see.

ConstructionTechnology -


When constructing our OTS we used compressor to compress our files to a ProRes format which would help us edit the footage in final cut and make the

editing sessions more efficient and of a higher quality. Also because they were compressed into ProRes it meant that all of our footage’s was of a

higher quality which meant at the end of the editing stage and once added the music and titles our work would be of a higher quality because our

footage was a higher quality due to it being compressed into ProRes.

Technology of Evaluation

Emaze- We used to answer question 2 which meant we were able to gain more marks in our evaluation, this showed we used a different range of technology. Because we were able to use emaze we were able to present this in a modern way


• Slides for the evaluation was one of the best technologies out of all of them that we were using. This was due to that it had an easy layout that you could follow even if it was for your first time, the presentation of text and the slides was creative and had many formats that you could use.

• This also gave us a wider use of technologies which was apart of the mark scheme also we presented it in a stylish manner which the examiner may like.

Evaluation Technology -


We used Prezi in the evaluation stage to answer question 1 which was the

conventions that we either reenforced or challenged through out our OTS. We

used prezi to increase the range of technology used when answer the

evaluation questions in order to gain more marks. Prezi helps us present our work in a stylish and modern way which

the examiners will like to see and spend time reading/marking.