Q gambelia speciosa


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Island Bush Snapdragon – Gambelia (formerly Galvezia) speciosa (gam-BELL-ee-uh spee-see-OH-suh)

Family: Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family)

Native to: S. Channel Islands of S. CA and Baja (Santa Catalina; San Clemente; Guadalupe Islands).

Grow on rocky canyons, sea bluffs/cliffs in Coastal Sage Scrub. Rare in native habitat (CNPS “rare and

endangered” list).

Growth characteristics: perennial woody shrub mature height: 2-4 ft mature width: 3-6 ft (to 15+

ft if allow to climb) Evergreen shrub with arching, semi-woody stems. Plant forms a spreading mound with no pruning. Cultivars: ‘Boca Rosa’, ‘Firecracker’ (small).

Blooms/fruits: Showy flowers year-long, but most flowers in spring. Flowers are brilliant red,

‘snapdragon’ flowers. Fruit a dry capsule with many small seeds.

Uses in the garden: As a high groundcover, including on slopes. Good under Live Oaks and in other

shady places, but will flower less. As a specimen plant (nice flowers). Trained on a fence, wall or trellis or cascading down a bank. Good for attracting birds to your yard. Does nicely in containers.

Sensible substitute for: small, woody shrubs (like Dwarf Pomegranate).

Attracts: hummingbirds (drink flower nectar); seed-eating birds and insects


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to partial shade (esp. inland)

Soil Any well-drained, including dry, rocky soils and clay; any pH

Water No supplemental needed near coast; inland (and for appearances) give occasional

deep waterings in dry periods

Fertilizer None needed


Management: Easy to grow. Pinch tips to promote full bushy growth. Can cut back hard in Feb. to renew

foliage, maintain size/shape. Or just prune to remove dead growth, seed heads.

Propagation: from seed: fairly easy – no pretreatment required. From cuttings: fairly easy from

hardwood or semi-hardwood cuttings in fall.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 20, 24, 25 11/29/10 © Project SOUND

Gambelia speciosa

Catalina snapdragon
