Python programming lab1


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Python programming

Prof B N KshirsagarMIT Group , Aurangabad , MS, India

FOUNDERPython is powerful... and fast; plays well with others; runs everywhere; is friendly & easy to learn; is Open.

These are some of the reasons people who use Python would rather not use anything else

For Linux machine, python is , in general, preloadedJust Type $ python

You will have “>>>” prompt for python shell

For other machines, Download and Install at your machine, from

First program

>>>print “Hello World !”Hello World !

Second program

>>>x = 10>>>y = 20>>>z = x + y >>> print z 30

Third program

>>>exam_fees = 10000>>>service_tax = exam_fees * 12.36 / 100 >>>total_fees = exam_fees + service_tax>>> print total_fees11236

