Publication and Presentation





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Publication & Presentation Roadmap to Distance Education

Information Fluency Information fluency is a state of competency in any subject (or set of subjects) which we believe to be a good goal for students to achieve in a class, and for which a class may be designed.

Information Fluency Information Fluency is also a model that builds on the skills of traditional digital literacy, integrating technology with domain (discipline) specific knowledge, critical thinking, presentation, participation and communication skills.

Information Fluency

The Information Fluency Triad

Domain Knowledge Critical Thinking Presentation

Information Fluency

Information Fluency

Reevaluate & Refine

Community How can you continue to learn, grow skills, collaborate and share with each other in your cohort? Where can you find and provide support for teaching online? How can you share successes and challenges?



Self Support Use your UA user id and password to login

Self Support Use Google to help you with support issues: Google Search Operators Google Search Tips More Google Search Tips Punctuation and Symbols in Google Search

Self Support Additional Resources: Youtube Blackboard Channel UAA IT Knowledge Base UAA Instructor Resources
