Pt 4 Evaluation


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Technology used in research• Research was done in various forms using technology to its ability. Here are some examples of research methods that were used:

Technology used in research continued…• Throughout the course the research that was found has to be collated and creatively explained on my blog. This was something that I had to constantly update and display my ancillary projects on. The blog also allowed me to embed and include images and videos allowing my work to look more interactive and multimedia based.

Construction of Digipak

To design my Digipak I had to used Adobe Photoshop. This allowed me to edit and construct images that we had taken of the artist and those we found suitable for the Digipak to be used. Once we had imported them I was able to insert images into the template that was made for the Digipak allowing me to edit the pictures by changing the filter and contrast making it suitable and similar to the artists genre.

Construction of Website

The website was created by using a free website maker called WIX. This was ideal as it allowed me to embed music video, the artist’s SoundCloud account and images of the artist. Also the website was ideal being made from WIX as it allowed me to easily create buttons and backgrounds. This was useful as it allowed my Music Video, Digipak and Website to all have the same/similar theme.

Construction of Music VideoDuring the filming of the music video we had used an updated camera to using the Canon 110D. This camera was much better than what we had used in the last year, having auto light adjusting meant that when filming in dark scenes the camera was automatically able to adjust, giving us a clear shot.

Also we had used a Glidecam which allowed us to have smooth professional shots which flowed consistently. Also we had used reflectors, artificial lighting which also allowed us to get better sense of lighting which we did not have access to, which worked well.

When doing the editing we used Final Cut Express. This was used as it allowed us to edit, cut and paste the clips in the correct order where we were then able to lip sync the artists vocals to the lyrics. After this we had used Adobe After Effects to add effects such as the Twitch Effect and text on top of visuals displaying strong lyrics.


• For my evaluations I had used many different forms of technology. One example is using Prezi to create a sliding interactive presentation that moves allowing information and imbedded images and videos to be seen.

• Also I had used YouTube for one of my evaluations where I had gone through and explained with a voice over the evaluation. This was then embedded onto my blog where it could be viewed from my blog.
