Psycho journal 2015


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Student ID Number: 0320069

Group Session: Monday 2-4pm

Subject: Psychology PSY30203


Submission Date: 26/4/2015

Monday 20/4/2015 9pm

ENTRY 1 - Social Facilitation and Social Loafing

In 1898 Norman Triplett noted that competitive cyclists

performed better during races than during solo rides.

There are subsequent researches confirming that a

welllearned performance is enhanced in the presence of

others. I found out that this theory applies to me in my

daily life as well. Whenever I swim alone in the pool, I

tend to be more relax and might go slower at my own

pace. But as soon as other swimmers enter the pool to

swim, I find myself swimming faster and naturally trying

to compete with others. From this I can conclude that

social facilitation tends to trigger our competitive edge.

In 1883 Max Ringelmann conducted a study from which

he concluded that an individual’s performance actually

gets worse in the presence of others. This concept

applies to me as well. When the lecturer assigns group

assignment to me and 5 other friends, social loafing

tends to make it likely that I would put less effort into that

particular assignment. That is because we might

assume that others might just take care of it. But what if

it is an individual task? I might just plan ahead and put a

100% effort into it. This clearly shows the social loafing

tendency of me.

Tuesday 21/4/2015 10pm

ENTRY 2 - Self-efficacy

What is self - efficacy? It basically means our belief in

your ability to achieve certain goals. Albert Bandura

(1977) states that people with high self-efficacy see

difficult tasks as challenges. Whereas for people with

low self-efficacy, they see difficult tasks as something to

be avoided. This theory applies to me as well especially

when I am doing my foundation year. This course has a

lot or work load, we have to finish all our assignments on

time and of course all of them are not easy. Even though

it is not easy, I see all this as a challenge to improve

myself. I take this as a training for me to manage time. I

strongly believe that once I am able to get myself

through, I would be a better me not only in academic but

also daily life.

Wednesday 22/4/2015 3pm

ENTRY 3 - Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Self – fulfilling prophecy is the predictions that cause

themselves to come true. It happens when a person

"becomes" the stereotype that is held about them. This

occurs to me in my everyday life. When I was a kid, I

lean how to swim and go for swimming training every

weekend. When the first time the teacher want us to

swim across the pool with a length of 50 meters, I

immediately tell myself I cannot make it. Therefore I am

the only one who don’t make it through. On the following

week, I decided to give it a try since everyone made it

through. I tell myself I can make it, I forced myself and

finally I manage to swim across the pool. It wasn’t that


Thursday 23/4/2015 8pm

ENTRY 4 - The Halo Effect

The halo effect is a type of cognitive bias in which our

overall impression of a person influences how we feel

and think about his or her character. When I heard about

this theory, I immediately think of an example which

happens in real life. The Halo Effect can be explained

through my impression against my class wrap. Since I

perceive him as an intelligent and kind guy, I tend to see

him as a successful man. Besides, halo effect also

occurs when I walk alone on the street. When I saw old

citizens who is bare feet and dirty, I immediately

perceive them as a pity individual and they might be


Friday 23/4/2015 9pm

ENTRY 5 - Observational Learning

Observational learning means that watching others

(models) engage in behaviours and then repeating

those actions (Albert Bandura). This theory can be apply

in my daily life as well. For example, today’s Culture and

civilisation play. In this assignment we are required to

have a play of the France Revolution. I am playing the

role of the French King, King Louis XVI. Initially I don’t

know who to bring out the characteristics of the

character. Therefore I start watching movie of the

French revolution. From there I learn the ‘pattern’ of the

king. I am happy to say that I get to know how the king

should be act, and the performance was quite a satisfied

