Professions that only exist in Brazil



In Brazil you can still find many professions and jobs which now are rare in the US, or not found at all, and some of these jobs are uniquely Brazilian!

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In Brazil you can still find many jobs

which now are rare in the US, or not

found at all… by Lidi Albuquerque

Frentista – service station attendants. They are barely seem in the U.S these

days, but in Brazil this occupation is still very popular.

Empacotador de supermercado - supermarket baggers. They are becoming very

rare in the U.S, but in Brazil you will still find them everywhere.

Cobrador de ônibus – ticket collector

This one is a bit pointless, I agree. This is how it works in Brazil: you enter the

bus from the front, pay the fare to the cobrador (ticket collector) in the

middle, and exit from the rear.

Ascensorista – elevator operator. Reminiscent job of old times, the

ascensoristas are still very present in commercial building throughout

Brazil, from malls through office buildings.

Flanelinhas, guardadores de carro – Loosely translates as “flannel man” or car

watcher. They charge drivers to park in the streets and in exchange they “watch”

your car. If you don’t pay up… well expect a flat tire or a car scratch

Malabaristas de semáforos – street jugglers and traffic light performers is a

thriving and challenging informal profession in Brazil and other countries

in South America. I personally find them very amusing.