Production Powerpoint 2


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Magazine Mood Board

Hayley Roberts

Images Of Magazine Layouts These are some examples of magazine layouts from the magazine ‘Q’ and ‘NME’. They are both music magazines that fit the genre of music for my chosen band. I need to look at how they have used the imagery, fonts and colours in these magazines and think about how I can incorporate that in my designs. They all have very similar styles and I think this is what I need to look at because I need mine to fit in with the style of magazine to work well.

Text Fonts

Heading Fonts

I will need a really bold and chunky font for the headline and for the text it will be quite a clear and simple font.

Adobe Caslon Pro Bold


Calibri (Body)Century SchoolbookLucida Grande

CambriaComic Sans MSGeorgia

ConstantiaDidot Euphemia UCAS

Lucida Bright Monaco

Colour Scheme

Both NME and Q have very similar colour schemes and they focus on reds, whites and black. The red and white is bright and clean and the black stands out against the white and the red so I think all of these colours work really well together. I feel that these kinds of colours will work for my magazine and to focus on bright colours that are going to stand out.