Print Advertisement


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The importance of the print advert in the promotion of an artist and their music.

IS PRINT DEAD? An article published in 2012 from the Business magazine Forbes asked the question ‘Is print dead?’

They believe that ‘While many businesses have completely migrated their advertising efforts to the web because of its cost effectiveness, exposure potential and convenience, print still maintains its stance as a powerful and necessary component of an ad campaign.’

Features such as a print ad’s tangibility, ability to easier reach a target market and simply the fact that there are less of them out there, means that print ads are still a viable and successful way of advertising.

MAGAZINES Over the years, magazines such as Q Magazine have hosted many

advertisements for a variety of artists, particularly in the Pop industry. They include not only album and single release advertisements but also print articles etc that acts as further advertisement.

In terms of the popularity of these magazines, there has been a significant decrease over the years, however it is believed that print ads are still very much beneficial to an artist’s advertisement.
