Principles of Human Growth and Development


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Principles of HumanGrowth



ObjectivesStudy of this chapter will enable you to:1. Define growth, development, and related terms.2. Describe general beliefs about and principles of development and human behavior.3. Define principles of human growth and development.4. Relate information to yourself as a developing person.

All children pass through predictable stages of growth and development as they mature.

Each childs progress is unique. A child cannot be forced to achieve a milestone faster than that childs own timetable will allow.

Maturing involves growth in ability to perform skills, to think, to relate to people, to trust, to have confidence in oneself.

Development refers to increase in skill or ability to function.

Psychosocial development refers to personality development.Moral development refers to knowing right from wrong.Cognitive development refers to the ability to learn and understand from experience, acquire and retain knowledge, respond to new situations and solve problems.

Principles of Growth and Development to Remember:Its a continuous process from the day we are conceived until deathIt proceeds in an orderly sequenceIt happens at different rates.It is cephalocaudal (from head to feet)It proceeds proximodistally (from center out)It continues from gross to fine motor skills

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Prenatal DevelopmentThe normal gestation period for humans is 38 weeks. Several names are given to developing humans:

Zygote.....conception to 2 weeksEmbryo.2-8 weeksFetus..8-38 weeksNeonate..birth-2 years

1st Trimester: central nervous system develops2nd Trimester: muscle and bone, fingers and toes, reflexes develop3rd Trimester: lots of brain growth, sight, hearing, most organs are well developed (lungs dont fully develop until the 9th mth.

NeonatalDevelopment At birth, males and females weigh about 7 lbs. and average about 19 inches in length. (males do tend to be larger than females)Babies grow 10-12 inches in the first year.By age 2, they reach about half of their adult height and quadruple their birth weight.

Neonatal Developmental StepsSit6 MonthsCreep8 MonthsCrawl10 MonthsStand12 MonthsWalk13-14 Months

Preschool Development(Ages 2-6)The child is moving from gross motor skills to fine motor skills. (They learn to throw a ball before learning to use scissors.)Children in this age group need much physical activity.

Middle Childhood DevelopmentThe major growth and change during this time period is in the cognitive domain.Physical growth is slow but steady.Ages 6-12

Adolescent DevelopmentRaging HormonesGrowth Spurt (Feet and hands grow faster than legs and arms which causes that awkward, clumsy stage)Oil glands and sweat glands increase in production causing pimplesAges 10 or 11-18

AdulthoodAges 21 to 60 In early adulthood (ages 2040), our physical abilities are at their peak, including muscle strength, reaction time, sensory abilities, and cardiac functioning.During middle adulthood (ages 4065) and is characterized by decline in vision, hearing, and immune-system functioning, as well as the end of reproductive capability for women, known asmenopause.

Stages of Human Development

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