Presentación Comenius


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Consuegra belongs to the province of Toledo

Its capital is also called Toledo. It is a city of three cultures, where Christians, Muslims and Jews coexisted

for centuries.

These cultures left numerous architectural examples that can be admired throughout the city.

The city of Toledo is surrounded by the river Tagus.

The most emblematic monuments of Toledo

are The Cathedral, Zocodover’s Square and The Fortress.

Nowadays, it has approximately 83.000 inhabitants and it is located in the very heart of Spain, just 70 kms. south of the

capital, Madrid. The historical city of Toledo was declared a Historical-Artistic Site in 1940 and later it was declared a

World Heritage Site in 1970.

• The Flag of Toledo

Consuegra is a small town that is located just 55 kms. south of Toledo and 120 kms. from Madrid.


History and legend have built a place for you to visit.

It was a carpetano settlement, when Rome conquered it in II century B.C. and founded Consaburum.

In The Middle Ages, kingdoms and caliphetes fought for Consucra and built a magnificent fortress.

It was the capital of the high Mancha lands of the Order of Saint John from Jerusalem since 1183.

Flag and Coat of Arms of Consuegra

In the Main Square of the town you can visit a Local Museum with archeological artefacts from

the neolitic to the end of the 19th century.

This is the most famous image of Consuegra: ‘The

Mount Calderico” with the castle and mills

This is a magnificient view of Consuegra at sunset

The windmills next to the castle form the unique silhouette of the Mount Calderico.

These three buildings form

the Main Square of the


laLa plaza vistalalllapla

• This is the view of the Main Square from “Los Corredores”.

This is the Church of the Holy Cross (18th century). The most relevant parts are the façade, are the white marble and the

lead dome and lantern.

Other churches in Consuegra are ‘The

Church of St. John the Baptist’, ‘The church

of Saint Mary the Great’ and ‘The church of Saint


You can visit ‘The Potter’s’ as well.

Nowdays, Consuegra has 11.200 inhabitants. It is an agricultural area with vineyards, olive

trees, cereal crops, orchards and cattle farming. It is sorrounded by a healthy and natural


Last decade the number of inmigrants has increased. They proceed from very diverse

nationalities (Moroccans, Rumanians and South Americans...), comprising around 10% of the

population in Consuegra.

Our school name is “Miguel de Cervantes”

C.E.I.P. “Miguel de Cervantes” is an Infant and Primary School. Our school is placed on the outskirts of a rural area with middle-

low class population.

There are 540 pupils and 36 teachers in our school. Most pupils are principally from the town, but some are from an ethnic minority (gypsies) and others are immigrants from diverse nationalities comprising around 10% of the student body

(Moroccans, Rumanians and South Americans...)

In Infant Education there are 8 classes (3, 4 and 5 years old). In Primary Education there are 16 classes from 1st to 6th grade.

There are 36 teachers in our school, the breakdown of which is the following: 8 of them teach in Infant School,

15 in Primary School and 10 teach some different subjects: 4 English, 3 P.E., 1 Music and 1 Religious

Studies. The Orientation Team consists of a psicologist, a teacher for hearing and language disorders and a teacher for students with Special Education Needs.

There is also a Technical and Educational Assistant and a Physical Therapist.

There are two different buildings in our school.

This building is for Primary School Students.

This building is for Infant Education pupils.

These are examples of our

school classrooms.

We also have other classrooms for

different purposes.


Science Laboratory

Language Laboratory

Computer Room

Multifuntional and Audiovisual Classroom

Music Room


Sports Courts

Our school is adapted for

students with disabilities

Throughout the school year and depending on different

cultural events , we plan some

different activities.

Grape Harvest

The Saffron Rose

La Monda of the Saffron Rose at school


We celebrate Christmas

We organise Nativity Scene

contests at school.

Christmas Card


Peace Day

Peace Day Solidarity Race


Carnival Costumes

Hiking on ‘The Mount Calderico’

in our town.

Children greatly enjoy the theatrical tour inside the castle.

Camping activities on the hills of Madridejos

Visiting the Traffic Education Park in Toledo

Practical lessons in The Traffic Education Park

We celebrate ‘Tree Day’

We celebrated ‘The International

Forest Day’

We recycle

The Olympic Games

Olympic Medals

Children are watching a play at the ‘Theatre Don Quixote’ in

our town.

We go to music


And our pupils participate in them.

We participate in outdoor painting competitions

organized by the Town.

We celebrate ‘Cultural Week’ in our school dedicated to the

universally known writer ‘Miguel de Cervantes’ (23rd April)



We also prepare

some exhibitions.

And artistic performances given by students.

Fairy Tale Performance

“International Forests Day” Performance

Scottish Dance

For this ‘end of year excursion’ we went to Toledo

Children visiting Toledo

We worked on the book ‘Don Quixote de La Mancha’

Meeting Don Quixote

Meeting the characters of the book

Windmill Crafts

Finally, our Romanian pupils have a message for you all.