Preliminary Task Storyboard – Sam Smith Stay With Me




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Chloe Killin

Preliminary Task Storyboard – Sam Smith

Stay With Me

The start of Stay With Me consists of a long one shot take walking down a street which is composed of a long shot shown here.

As he walks forward we move into a medium shot as the camera tracks him by moving backwards, probably on a dolly. The camera moves to keep him as central to the shot as possible.

We continue backwards as Sam lip syncs. Appears to be walking in step to the main beat.

Cut to a slightly low shot, below his eye line in what appears to be a bedroom – lip syncing continues.

The camera rotates around him so we have panned from the side to the front, the pan is clockwise.

Main light source is the window.

A shot only 3 seconds long panning across bed sheets. Light source is behind the bed as if it is directly in front of the camera.

Cut back to the continuous shot walking down the street. Natural light.

Cut back to the room but there is no lip syncing and the camera is panning back around in the opposite direction to before (anticlockwise).

Sam slightly shakes his head and looks down.
