Preliminary task evaluation


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Preliminary task evaluation

Emma Watson

What they likedThey like the simplistic colour scheme , pink, yellow and blue and the fact that they all complimented each other.

What they liked pt 2

They also liked that the contents was easy to follow. They also said the colourful images made it very appealing to the eye as they still stick with the colour scheme of pink yellow and blue.

What they disliked

They didn’t like that the box blended in with the background as it made it hard to read what was in the box. They also found the text too small making it hard to read.

Would they buy the magazine?

They said that they would buy the magazine but it would have to have the improvements made to make it more eye catching so they would be able to see it in school and just pick up it with out having to search around for it.


If I was going to do my magazine again I would still stick with the same colour scheme however I would make the colours brighter so it would be easier to see if a parent wanted to pick it up straight from the school. I would also make the text on the front cover so it’s easier to read and see what is in the magazine. I would also add a date , issue etc.

What was I asked to do and how did I respond to the task?

I was asked to make a magazine for a college/sixth form. The magazine was to be aimed either at students or parents. I went about the task by first making a paper mock up of my front cover to give me an idea of what I wanted my magazine to look like. I then went about and put my text on Indesign, I used Indesign as I am used to the format and know it is the best software to make a magazine on. I then took my photo for my magazine and edited it on Photoshop to make it more fitting for a magazine as I had excess background that would have made it look professional.

how did I respond to the task pt2?

I then used a similar a process to create my contents page. I first drew a mock up of how I wanted my contents page to look like so I could have an idea of what to do when designing it on the computer. I then put but the lines in and put my page numbers and what was on that page. I then added photos and a quote to give an idea of what my issue was about.

My front cover compares to a normal magazine as both my magazine and regular magazine have a kicker to entice the audience to buy the magazine. Also, both my front cover and a normal magazine have stuck with a 3 colour , colour scheme as it gives it a professional look and doesn’t look too busy.

My contents is similar to a professional contents page as it has an equal distribution of pictures and text. It also has contact details which is commonly found in other magazines and makes it more proffessional.

Strenghths and weaknesses of photos& layout

The photo on the front cover is a well farmed photo however it has dark colours and due to the where the photo had been taken it looks quite flat and a bit mug shot-esque which would deter potential customers. The layout of my contents page is easy to follow and is not too busy if I did it again I would maybe make it more colourful. The layout of my front cover is minimalistic so that the consumer can see what is in the magazine however I would make the straplines bigger to make it look less empty.

My articles fit my target audience of parents Because they’re all about how to get their child organised and settled in. It also talks about last years A-Level results which would give parents an idea of the results their students would get.