Practice 7 final


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Presentado por:

Euliser Hernandez Solorzano





FICHA: 749172




Bogota: The Best Business Environment in South America

According to the first edition of Ranking of South American States of the Future, a study carried out by the FDI Magazine of the Financial Times Group, placed Bogota as the city with the best business environment, beating out big capitals such as Sao Paulo, Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, and Buenos Aires.

The qualification was given due to the city’s economic potential, numerous expansion projects of multinational companies, the amount of employees created thanks to foreign direct investment, and their risk rating.

In addition, Bogota was also ranked amongst the top five cities of the future out of 237 others.

Amongst numerous other rankings, Bogota was qualified as one of the four most important regions of South America due to its economic potential and as sixth region because of its human capital.

Juan Gabriel Pérez, Director of Invest in Bogota says that more than 1,500 foreign societies have business operations in Bogota.

The increased growth in foreign investment and its one of a kind business environment in Bogota is because of an urban, economic, social, and culture transformation that has allowed Bogota to turn into such an attractive destination.   

According to the paragraph answer the questions below:

1. Why was Bogotá qualified as one of the most important regions of South America?

2. How many foreign societies do have business in Bogotá according to Juan Gabriel Pérez?

3. How the multinational companies have contributed to Bogotá's financial growth?

4. Was Bogotá ranked amongst the top ten cities of the future out of 237 others?


a. Look at these profiles of San Francisco and New York city. Then answer the questions below.

San Francisco New York City

San Francisco New York CityPopulation 735.000 7.380.906Cost home $550.000 $820.000Unemployment rate 3.3% 8.1%Snowfall 0 centimeters per year 74 centimeters per yearrainfall 5.3 centimeters per year 102 centimeters per yearCrimes committed per 100.000 people

7.595 5.212

Which city would you recommended to someone who….?

Is desperate to find a job enjoys being around a lot of people

Wants to buy a first home hates wet weather

Likes winter sports is concerned about crime


TOCK, TALKDiscuss these questions:

What´s the largest city you’ve ever been to? What´s your favorite city to visit? Why? If you could choose a city to live in, which

would it be? Why?c.

WRITE IT UPWork alone:Imagine that you are going to talk to a foreign tourist about your country. Write down the the answers to these questions:

Which historic buildings or places should he or she visit? What can you tell the tourist about the history of your country?


Second conditional:

Situations will probably never happen at present or in future (unreal).

Type 2:Example:

If clause - Simple PastIf I lived in Australia,

Main clause: would+infinitiveI would be a sheep farmer.

1. Circle the correct answer

1. If I won (win) the lottery, I'd travel around the world.

a) win b) would win c) won

2. The streets would be wet if it was raining (rain).

a) rained b) is raining c) was raining

3. The teacher would help me if he had (have) time.

a) has b) had c) has had

4. If we had enough money, we would travel (travel) more often.

a) would travel b) travel c) traveled

5. If I got promoted at work, I would get (get) a salary increase

a) Will get b) got c) would get

2. Go to the next link and take a screetshot to your score.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Make a list of what you would do first, second, third and so on. Choose from the list below, or suggest ideas of your own.

1. Buy a house 2. Buy presents for my friends and family 3. Go on vacation

4. Buy a car 5. Put the money on the bank 6. Give up mu studies/job


Reported speech

It’s when people tell what somebody have said.

Direct speech


Indirect speech


When you say exactly what the other people said.

You’re always saying: “people must be honest with each other.

I asked Thomas: “what’s he like?”

When you tell what someone said but with you own words, taking into account: time, verb tenses, pronouns and other facts.

You’re always saying (that) people should be honest with each other

I asked Thomas what he was like.

Verb tenses

Direct speech Indirect speech

Present Simple Past Simple

"He's American," she said. She said he was American.

"I'm happy to see you," Mary said. Mary said that she was happy to see me.

He asked, "Are you busy tonight?" He asked me if I was busy that night.

Present Continuous Past Continuous

Dan is living in San Francisco," she said. She said Dan was living in San Francisco.

He said, "I'm making dinner." He told me that he was making dinner.

"Why are you working so hard?" they asked. They asked me why I was working so hard.

Past Simple Past Perfect Simple

"We went to the movies last night," he said. He told me they had gone to the movies the night before.

"Greg said, "I didn't go to work yesterday." Greg said that he hadn't gone to work the day before.

"Did you buy a new car?" she asked. She asked me if I had bought a new car.

Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

"I was working late last night," Vicki said. Vicki told me she'd been working late the night before.

They said, "we weren't waiting long." They said that they hadn't been waitinglong.

"He asked, "were you sleeping when I called?" He asked if I'd been sleeping when he called.

Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple

"Heather said, "I've already eaten." Heather told me that she'd already eaten

"We haven't been to China," they said. They said they hadn't been to China.

"Have you worked here before?" I asked. I asked her whether she'd worked therebefore.

Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

"I've been studying English for two years,"he said.

He said he'd been studying English for two years.

"Steve said, "we've been dating for over a year now."

Steve told me that they'd been dating for over a year.

"Have you been waiting long?" they asked. They asked whether I'd been waiting long.

Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple (*NO CHANGE)

"I'd been to Chicago before for work," he said. He said that he'd been to Chicago before for work.

Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous (*NO CHANGE)

She said, "I'd been dancing for years before the accident."

She said she'd been dancing for years before the accident.

Modal verbs

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Will Would

 "I'll go to the movies tomorrow," John said. John said he would go to the moviesthe next day.

 "Will you help me move?" she asked. She asked me if I would help her move.

Can Could

 Debra said, "Allen can work tomorrow." Debra said Allen could work the next day.

 "Can you open the window, please?", he asked. He asked me if I could open the window.

Must Had to

 "You must wear your seatbelt," mom said. My mom said I had to wear my seatbelt.

 She said, "You must work tomorrow." She said I had to work the next day.

Shall Should

 "Shall we go to the beach today?" Tom asked.

Tom asked if we should go to the beachthat day.

 "What shall we do tonight?" she asked. She asked me what we should do that night.

May Might/Could

Jane said, "I may not be in class tomorrow." Jane said she might not be in class the next day.

The boy asked. "May I use the bathroom, please?"the boy asked. The boy asked if he could use the bathroom.

Time / day

Direct Speech Indirect Speechtoday that daytonight that nightthis week/month/year that week/month/year

tomorrow the next daynext week/month/year the following week/month/yearyesterday the day before/the previous day

last week/month/year the day/month/year before o the previous day/month/year

now then/at that moment

1. Rewrite the following in reported speech.

a) John said, "I love this town."John said that he love this town.

b) "Don't play in front of my window!"Mrs. Smith told us that we don’t play in front of her window.

c) "What have you decided to do?" she asked him.She asked him What has he decide to do?

d) "Don't be nasty," he said.He urged me that don’t be nasty.

e) "Where have you been?" he asked me.He wanted to know where has I been .


Work with a partner. Ask him/her about a city he/she has visited. Then report the information you got. You can use the following questions and add some more:

Which city did you visit?

What is the food like in that city?

What is the weather like there?

How do you like visiting that place?

Who did you go with?


What did they tell you to do?

Work by pairs and teacher will give you a map to find a treasure. One of you is going to read the map (leader) and the other is going to do what the leader say. Remember to write what your partner tells you to do.

Use these:

Instructions."Go straight on!" She told me to go straight on."Don't come back!" She told me not to come back.

Requests. "Please turn to your left." She ask me to turn to my left"Please don't go down stairs." She asked me not to go down stairs.

Advice."You should go look around." She advised me to look around"You should not go that way” She advised me not to go that way.

Consolidation Activity

How to export a product

1. First, you need to ask yourself whether you are going to export a product or a service. 2. You need to do a registration process as an exporter.3. You need to make a market survey and investigate the demand of your product or

service.4. Ask if your product or service needs special permission or authorization for export.5. You need to do customs procedures and prepare the documents required.6. Check your customer’s means of payment.7. Find the most suitable way to send your product/service.

Take a look at the most popular products exported by Colombia

In groups of three, think about a product or a service you would like to create a company about.

Create a Power Point presentation of at least 4 slides and describe the following:

What would the product or service be? Describe its characteristics and the reason why you choose that product/service.

If you had the possibility to export your product or service, which country would you export it to? Why?

Why do you think you would be successful with this business idea? How you would be contributing to Colombia’s economy with this idea?

Don’t forget to use the second conditional structure to answer all the questions.