Ppp Exam Questions


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Exam questions(a) Choose TWO of the people below. Describe their contribution to the

development of the cattle trade. (15)• Charles Goodnight• Joseph McCoy• John Iliff

1.) 2.)3.) Recognise if you are being asked to:

describe: “tell someone about”explain: “give reasons for”evaluate: “sum up using your own opinion a balanced

answer – 2 sides”analyse: “study, read, look at, compare and decide its value

or use”

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Exam questions

(a) Choose TWO of the people below. Describe their contribution to the development of the cattle trade. (15)

• Charles Goodnight• Joseph McCoy• John Iliff

(a) Chose ONE of the groups below and describe the part they played in opening up the American West. (15)

• Mountain Men• Miners in California• Wagon trains on the Oregon trail

(a) Choose TWO of the items below. Explain the part EACH of them played in the early settlement of the West. (15)

• Gold in California

• The Oregon Trail

• Salt Lake City
