Power sharing arrangement in belgium and sri lanka


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Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country

in 1948. The leaders of the Sinhala

community sought to secure dominance over

government by virtue of their majority . As a

result , the democratically elected government

adopted a series of majoritarianism measures

to establish Sinhala supremacy . Government

passed many act giving more powers to

Sinhalese and neglecting Tamils . All these

measures ,coming one after the other ,

gradually increased the feelings of alienation

among the Sri Lankan Tamils . The relations

between the Sinhala and Tamil communities

strained over time. The distrust between the two

communities turned into widespread conflict . It

soon turned into a Civil War. Sri Lanka

government shows that if majority community

wants to force its dominance over others and

refuses to share power, it can undermine the

unity of the country.

Two types of people live in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan

Tamil people and the Sinhalese (ethnic group

native of Sri Lanka) .So the Sinhalese enjoy the

most powers in the country . The Tamils feel

separated from the country ,since they do not

have powers .

Following are some important decisions made by

the government which separated Tamils from the

country :-

•Sinhala was recognized as the only official

language, thus disregarding Tamil.

•The government followed preferential policies

that favored Sinhala applicants for university

position and government jobs.

• A new constitution stipulated that the state shall

protect and foster Buddhism. That means Tamils

were not allowed to worship any other religion

then Buddhism publically .


• Numbers of the Dutch and French people WERE equal.

• Power were distributed to the state government .

• Dutch and French had their equal representative.

• The community government is elected by the people belonging to one language community –dutch, French and german –speaking –no matter where they live .
