Power Notes Phase Changes


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Today in ScienceYou will Need:•Pencil, Colored Pencils, Highlighters or Markers•Power Notes – Phases of Matter– 2 page 4 sides-Bookshelf- Please Staple

•Observing Solid, Liquid & Gas Particles – Due today

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Date Due Name of Assignment Possible Pts.

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1/31 2/1 (end of the period)

Tools of the Trade 130

2/1 2/3 (beginning of the period)

Power Notes – Measurements & Dealing with Data


2/2 2/7 (beginning of the period)

Interactive Reader Pgs. 46-49 + Marking a Text Rubric


2/3 2/8 Observing Solid, Liquid and Gas Particles – Virtual Lab


2/8 2/10 Power Notes –Phases of Matter



What Makes a Substance a Solid, Liquid, Gas or Plasma?







Task List:Materials Managers:3)Log on to Learning Point4)Select Mori Classroom5)Select Daily Assignments6)Select: Week of Feb. 3 rd – Feb. 7 th 7)Complete Power Notes – Phase Changes – Due Friday

8) Review & Reflect +, , -








Power Notes- Phases of Matter


What are some differences you already know about these phases?

What are some similarities you already know about these phases?

Most of the elements on the Periodic Table of Elements exist in what state?

Very few of the elements exist on the Periodic Table as?

What state of matter makes up only about 11 elements on the Periodic Table?

-SOLID – at standard temperature and pressure.

LIQUIDS – However, ¾ of our planet is covered with the liquid known as water.

GASES – they have no definite shape or volume. They expand to fill the container they occupy.

Although at standard temperature and pressure there are no PLASMA phases on the Periodic Table, this phase of matter exists at extremely high heats.

Phases of matter depends on?

What is this movement dependent upon?

-The most abundant form of matter in the Universe.

Movement of the particles

Amount of energy in a substance.

Matter with lots of kinetic energy usually have what?

Which phase has the most kinetic energy?

Which phase has the least kinetic energy?

-higher temperatures-particles that are moving wildly-particles that are far apart


Solids (BEC)

Energy ScaleHigh Energy

Low EnergyPhase

Plasma Gas Liquid Solid BEC*

* Bose Einstein Condensates

Illustrate, Color and Label an example of each Phase

*Rubidium at 0 Kelvin

What words describe Phase Change?

-MELTING– when a solid moves to the liquid state when heat is added.

FREEZING – when a liquid moves to the solid state. This happens when heat is released.

EVAPORATION – when a liquid moves to the gaseous state. Heat needs to be added for this to happen.

What words describe Phase Change?

-CONDENSATION– when a gas moves to the liquid state when heat is released.

SUBLIMATION– when a solid moves to the gas state skipping the liquid state. This happens when heat is added.

DEPOSITION– when a gas moves to the solid state skipping the liquid state. Heat needs to be released for this to happen.

Remember:According to the kinetic theory of matter, all matter is made up of moving particles. The states of matter are dependent upon how fast the particles are moving and how much attraction the molecules have for one another.

In order for matter to change from one state to another, energy must be added or removed.

Each type of substance has its own freezing, melting and boiling points. In other words, different substances change states at different temperatures.

Phase ChangesDifferent Substances have their own unique melting & boiling points.

Color each thermometer according to the key to indicate at which and/or between which temperatures it is a solid, liquid or gas.

1) Answer each question using your power notes for Phase Change.

2) Do a Review and Reflect on all your

notes. +, , -

Questions & Review & Check

Homework Observing Solid, Liquid & Gas Particles – Due Today

Complete Power Notes– Due Friday – Some time to work in class tomorrow.
