Potential future of_reference_joe_mla_dla_2016


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Tomorrow The Next Five Years

Where is all of this leading us?

How can we develop and adapt library services to meetthe needs of our community members?

What’s in a name?


What’s in a name?

ReferenceDoes this term clearly explain the scope of work that we provide to our community?

If not…

What’s in a name?

ReferenceDo we develop new terminology?

orDo we redefine “Reference” to encompasses the broader set of value-added services?

Definition of ReferenceReference and User Services Association (RUSA)Approved by RUSA Board of Directors, January 14, 2008Submitted by subgroup of RSS Executive Committee

• Reference Transactions are information consultations in which library staff recommend, interpret, evaluate, and/or use information resources to help others to meet particular information needs. Reference transactions do not include formal instruction or exchanges that provide assistance with locations, schedules, equipment, supplies, or policy statements.

• Reference Work includes reference transactions and other activities that involve the creation, management, and assessment of information or research resources, tools, and services. (The following bullets clarify what is meant by terms within the Reference Work definition.)• Creation and management of information resources includes the development and maintenance of research collections, research guides, catalogs, databases, web sites, search engines, etc., that patrons can use independently, in-house or remotely, to satisfy their information needs.

• Assessment activities include the measurement and evaluation of reference work, resources, and services.

Types of Reference Services• Ready Reference• Bibliographic • Information & referral• Research

• Reader’s Advisory• Advice/Editing (usually one-on-one assistance)

• Selective services and information in and through library (such as community partnerships)

• Locations, directions (such as for finding library equipment, bathrooms, study and meeting rooms)

• Where can I find…?

• Library tours• Classes, tutorials and workshops

• Guided, supportive experimentation (Maker labs)

Information Guidance

Directional (?)Instruction

Types of Reference Services• Ready Reference• Bibliographic • Information & referral• Research

• Reader’s Advisory• Advice/Editing (usually one-on-one assistance)

• Selective services and information in and through library (such as community partnerships)

• Locations, directions (such as for finding library equipment, bathrooms, study and meeting rooms)

• Where can I find…?

• Library tours• Classes, tutorials and workshops

• Guided, supportive experimentation (Maker labs)

• Help using library equipment and personal devices

Information Guidance

Directional (?)Instruction

Why expand the definition?• Makes clear the value of formal and informal instruction as part of reference work• Recognizes that librarians are experts at helping the members of our community use a wide variety of technologies - those we provide and those brought to us• Allows us to continue to use a consistent language to clearly describe our work within the profession• Ensures that we are capturing comparable data across libraries

Glimpses into the future from RUSAPresident’s Programs 2013 and 2015• 2013: Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project. “The Myth and the Reality of the Evolving Patron.” See https://journals.ala.org/rusq/article/view/3472• People have very positive feelings about libraries. However, only one-fifth of users report knowing what services are available from the library.• There is a growing demographic of African American and Hispanic respondents who report higher demand for library services than other groups.• Library websites tend to be used more heavily by women, the more wealthy, the more highly educated, and parents.• The new scarcity is not information, but time. Librarians have the potential to give people something worthwhile - efficient but meaningful experiences. How can we save the members of our communities their time?

Glimpses into the future from RUSAPresident’s Programs 2013 and 2015• 2015: danah boyd, Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research and the founder/president of the Data and Society Research Institute. “It’s Complicated: Navigating the Dynamic Landscapes of Digital Literacy, Collapsing Contexts, and Big Data.” See https://journals.ala.org/rusq/article/view/5936• Big data is messy data and results in unintended consequences.• Librarians need to fight for access to facts, ask harder questions, and be active in the political arena.• We need new critical ways to make sense of information, and help our communities learn, discover, and understand.• Propaganda is becoming more sophisticated, and librarians are needed to help make sense and meaning of information around us.• Data doesn’t speak for itself. Librarians are responsible for its interpretation.



• “ Pew studies also report that Americans do head to libraries, online and in person, to read news and research topics of interest. People do value the services of reference librarians. And they do trust libraries to help them decide what information is trustworthy.”• “Libraries are now turning that trust into an opportunity: Around the world, they’re experimenting with more direct participation in the issues that affect their communities. Library teams are selecting topics of local importance, compiling resource guides that keep up with evolving issues, and inviting public discussion and debate. Librarians are curating current events.”

Improve our Self service experiences - onlineProvide the ability for customers to address their own needs wherever possible

• Apply User Experience to ensure that your web presence is intuitive to navigate and designed for MOBILE!• Web presence must satisfy the most common needs• Like your physical library, you must provide the correct online services to meet community needs. Are the needs driving the resources or are the products driving what your library buys/subscribes? 

Improve our Self service experienceshttp://answers.delawarelibraries.org/

Improve our Self service experiences –in the physical space• Self pickup of holds• Self checkout• Self printing, photocopying, scanning, faxing• Self payment

Many of our customers prefer to get in and get out on their own. Self service frees up staff  to apply their skills to more productive tasks, such as helping with resumes, job search, business plans, tech, outreach, and managing and mediating information important to the community… 


Speaking of outreach… The Library must be able to be EVERYWHERE!Polaris LEAP and our MIFI kits let us provide circulation and reference functions anywhere we need to be in the community


The Library is EVERYWHERE!

Trends Impacting the Future of Librariesfrom the Center for the Future of Librarieshttp://www.ala.org/transforminglibraries/future/trends

How do we change reference service as these trends continue and evolve?1. Aging Advances: More older adults. Fewer younger people.2. Anonymity: Popular; protects. But gives rise to offensive behavior.3. Badging: Recognizes people’s skills. Educational opportunities.4. Collective Impact: Organizations work together to solve problems.5. Connected Learning: Highly social, interest driven learning is common.6. Data Everywhere: Big data used to develop products and services, improve marketing and communications, & monetize information.

7. Digital Natives: People raised in a digital world may work, study, and interact in very different ways from “digital immigrants”

How do we change reference service as these trends continue and evolve?8. Drones: Opportunities to reach underserved areas. But, privacy and safety concerns.

9. Emerging Adulthood: “New Adult” as genre, Late teens & 20’s10. Fandom: Communities of people who are passionate about something11. Fast Casual: Growing concept in restaurants - counter service, customized menus, freshly-prepared, quality, & upscale and inviting

12. Flipped Learning: Students review content online via video lectures and assignments are completed during class meeting times with students and teachers working through and solving questions together

How do we change reference service as these trends continue and evolve?13. Gamification: Opportunities to make learning more playful and engage learners

14. Haptic Technology: Incorporates tactile experience or feedback as part of user interface, creates a sense of touch through vibrations, motion, or other forces. Wearables? Simulated experiences? Learning? 

15. Income Inequality: As it widens, so does achievement gap between rich and poor

16. Internet of Things: Smaller devices unseen and built into objects sense and transmit data, greater connectivity between objects

How do we change reference service as these trends continue and evolve?17. Maker Movement: New opportunities for do-it-yourselfers, tinkerers, hackers, entrepreneurs, and interested learners

18. Privacy Shifting: Changing perceptions of privacy; Balance between value for privacy with the benefits of new technologies

19. Resilience: Need for rapid recovery from physical, social, and economic disruptions, including environmental disasters, terrorist attacks, or economic collapse

20. Robots: Opportunities to improve human experience. Concern that robots will displace human workers.

How do we change reference service as these trends continue and evolve?21. Sharing Economy: Change in traditional models of ownership22. Unplugged: Rebrand libraries from "quiet reading spaces" to "unplug zones" or "digital escape spaces?"

23. Urbanization: More and more people in cities. Larger metro areas.

Discussion – share your ideas!Take 5 minutes

Talk among your group members:How could we change reference service in the context of this trend?

Lightening report out:Each group gets 20 seconds for one person

to report on one change

One person in the room gets a prize!