Population Density and Growth 2015


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Population Growth & Density

Population - Terms to Know


Population Density

How is P.D. determined?

Population Density Map

Pattern of Population:

East Asia, South Asia, Europe, and Eastern North America.

Patterns of Population

Population Growth:

Effects of Growth: (two views)


Growth Rate:

Terms to know:Birth Rate - # of live births each year per 1,000 people

Death Rate - # of deaths each year per 1,000 people

Immigrants - people who move into a country

Emigrants - people who leave a country to live elsewhere

Growth Rate Explained:Zero Population Growth:B.R. + I = D.R. + E

Population Increase:B.R. + I > D.R. + E

Population Decline:B.R. + I < D.R. + E

(B.R. - Birth Rate, I - Immigrants, D.R. - Death Rate, E - Emigrants)

National Geographic - 7 Billion
