Polyphemus Gerrod Thomas


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Polyphemus “Cyclopes” Son of Poseidon

Cyclopes are one eyed giants in Greek mythology.

According to the Greek epic poet Hesiod , the Cyclops were the sons of Uranus and Gaia.

Hesiod names the Cyclops Argos, Steropes, and Brontes.

The Titians and Hecatonchires may also have been Uranus and Gaia's offspring.

Quick Facts about Cyclopes and Greek Mythology

Pictures of Cyclopes

Quick Facts about Cyclopes and Greek Mythology

The name is widely thought to mean "circle-eyed".

Hesiod described one group of Cyclopes and the epic poet Homer described another.

Other accounts were written by the playwright Euripides.

Pictures of Greek Mythology and Cyclopes
