Political party Bulgaria. Meeting in Sibiu


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Youth Democracy Of Bulgaria (YDOB)

The history of our party

Youth Democracy Of Bulgaria (YDOB) is a new political party.

It was founded in 2015 by some young people, whose goal is

to make sure that аll people have equal rights.

Our mission is to make Bulgaria a better place for

the young people. Everyone must have good

education, equally bright future with the others аnd

welcoming surroundings where they could progress.

Our project plan:

1. Equal rights for everybody.

2. Good education for everyone.

3. Bright future.

4. Project activities for everybody.

5. No more violence in the schools.

6. Support for poor children.

Equal rights for everybody

We believe that people must have equal rights and we want

to make it real. For us ethnicity, religion, gender and etc.

are not important. We all should have equal rights.

Good education for everyone

Nowadays the education is the most important thing foryoung people. If a person lives in an area where there is noschool nearby, we will make sure that there is transport thatwould lead to the school. If a student doesn’t have enoughmoney to buy notebooks, pens, etc. we will provide him withthe needed materials.

Bright future

We will support every student, who has good grades and

will help them enter in a university that they desire,

not only in Bulgaria but also abroad. Furthermore we

will help them find a beneficial job.

Project activities for everybody

Project activities are important because they help the children to

discover and develop their talents. We think that every student can

practice one or more extracurricular activities of their choice if they

want. We will also introduce the projects in every school in the country

and will help the children to make their dreams come true.

No more violence in school

Violence in school is one of the most massive problems today,

but we are determined to stop it. There must be stern control

in the schools. If someone suffers or causes mental or physical

abuse they will talk to a psychologist so they could solve their


The most important thing is to teach students not to cause

violence. People must learn to be tolerant, accept their

differences and be happy that we are all different, because

if we were the same, life would be boring and we would be

nothing more than robots. We need to teach children to help

and be friends with each other.

Support for the poor children

Poor children are becoming more and more, but that should

not stop them from going to school so we will provide them

with transport, notebooks and school materials.

"Bulgarian Youth Party" (BMP)

What is it BMP?

Bulgarian Youth Party is an entirely peculiar

phenomenon, which has no analogue in

Bulgarian political life. She seeks to protect

from all ills and plagues that corrode the

political fabric of the other party

formations in the country.

Reasons for the formation of BMP.

The desire to build a new model of political

behavior, infiltration of morality and culture

in public relations.

What we seek BMP ?

We will change everything that is crazy and

immoral and will preserve what creates

stability and security. We will strive state to

provide uniform rules for everything. Activity

we will focus on promoting personal initiative.

We will also work to provide better

educational opportunities to develop players

as a person.

On what it is that this party?

Dignity of the human person.







How we make all this?

We are going to organize different

events for charity for example

musical concert, meeting with

famous people, donation and sales.

These are our proposals that we want to

make true so if you like them you can support

us or join our party!
