Plan For An Exhibit About The K-9 Unit For The Indiana State Police Museum



This Power Point presentation outlines an exhibit design plan and concept document that I co-created with classmates for the Indiana State Police Museum.

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To Serve and Protect…

An Exhibit Concept Proposal for The Indiana State Police Museum

Kelby Dolan, Caitlin Kegley, Debbie Bennett

…To Sniff and Protect

Big Idea:

Big Idea:

K-9 dogs are invaluable tools that extend the capabilities of the

Indiana State Police.

Main Messages:

Main Message # 1:

K-9 dogs are assigned tasks according to their specific

anatomical attributes and abilities.

Main Message # 2:

The mastery of training allows the dog and handler to work as an

effective team.

Color Scheme:

Texture Scheme:

Label Design:

Font Design:

TITLE (Rockwell Extra Bold)

TEXT (Tahoma)

The Assigned Exhibit Space:

The Assigned Exhibit Space:


The Assigned Exhibit Space:


Sectional Museum Floor Plan

Exhibit Floor Plan

Narrative Walkthrough:

Narrative Walkthrough:

Begin with a photo of a K-9

End with a Partnership

Let’s Introduce Barrett

A Group Photo Opportunity

Interactive: Low Tech

Interactive: High Tech

A Handler’s History

Collection Objects:

Special Thanks

Have More Questions? I do.
