

Citation preview

PitchNisha Bhamra

Every Second Counts - NarrativeAlice takes her daily stroll through her local

path, and comes across a young man she’s never seen before. Intrigued by his appearance, she sits beside him and hesitates before deciding to introduce herself. Before her eyes, she sees all the possibilities of their growing relationship; the ups, the downs. She is left to ask herself; will it be worth it?

Genre We have chosen to create a romance film,

which appeals to our target audience (females, aged 12-24). This genre is almost always targeted at a similar audience, due to their ability to relate to situations and conventions depicted in these films.

We believe that our idea will allow us to create an effective and engaging short film that will be enjoyable to both produce and then review.

LoglineAlice has a choice; love with severe risks, or

a comfortable silence?

Similar films

Distribution and Promotion We intend to initially show our short film to a

group of A2 students in A29, and then release the short film on Youtube, allowing it to be easily accessible to our audience, among which this is an extremely popular method of sharing and viewing videos.

As a part of our task, we will be creating a poster each and a film review which will contribute to the promotion of our film.

We have created Twitter and Facebook pages in order to increase the public’s awareness of our product
