Photograph selection film and tv


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Photograph selection for magazine cover

This was an option for the magazine cover for film and TV as the lighting is high key and the model is giving direct address. However, I do not believe it is clear that the main subject in this cover in the ‘Wolverine’ poster in the background and via the mise en scene the magazine genre is unclear then the cover has not served it purpose.

This was also an option for the magazine cover for film and TV as the lighting again is high key, the model is giving direct address and is posing with her thumb up which is a good look as it gives an positive aura about the magazine which is very appealing. However, again I do not believe the main subject is clear and even though the lighting is good, the background around the poster is quite blurry and does not look very good.

Much like the last two photos, the lighting for this image is high key and the models facial expression gives off a really happy vibe, which is important as it is a positive magazine and I want this to be represented via the cover. At this point, I realised in the background of this image there is another subject, this looks very unprofessional therefore I decided to not select any of the past 3 photos for my magazine cover.

This was also an option for the magazine cover for film and TV as the lighting again is high key, the model is giving direct address and is posing with her thumb up which is a good look as it gives an positive aura about the magazine which is very appealing. However, again I do not believe the main subject is clear and even though the lighting is good, the background around the poster is quite blurry and does not look very good.

The most appealing thing about this photo in my opinion is the quality of it, immediately it is clear that the quality looks very professional, as does the lighting, however, at this point I decided that my model sitting down and the photo form this angle in general looks awkward and the genre is not clear enough, therefore I asked my model retake the photos on another day.

I decided to go with this photo for my film and TV magazine cover for a few reasons, firstly, I believe with the model stood up and the camera at a lower angle, it is much clearer that the main subject for the image is the ‘Wolverine’ poster. This is also made clear via the fact that the models attire in the shot is much more plain, which I believe is a positive and it takes the attention away from her and to the bright red poster. The model is also giving direct address and looks very happy which are both conventions of a magazine cover.