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I take care my pet

Children teach us about pets

Kids and petsWe are children 6 to 12 year-old.

We make teams with 4 people from different countries.

Every kid propose a pet in the team, they decide the animal and named them.

Every kid draw the pet. They choose the draw they prefer.

Now they decide made some advises in order to take care pets in 4 parts:

- How to fed.

- How to clean.

- How to educate to do some things.

- How to prepare their living area.

SubjectsLanguage and science

MethodologyProject based learning:

The project is make a short video presentación about how to take care pets.

Collaborative learning:

We have teams and hey need to make agreements about the process.

TimeA semester:

1st month: Made teams, distribute responsabilities, make script about their part.

2n – 3rd month: Write down the script, take photos, record voices and kids taking care their pets.

4th-5th: Share photos and knowledge about pets with students i other countries.

6th : Make the video and share. Evaluate the product and the collaborative learning.

EvaluationTeachers made two rubrics about the final product and the collaborative learning. They need share proposals.

ToolsCàmera of photos.

Smart phones.

Vocaroo or spreaker.

Youtube presentations.

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