Painting Intermediate - A Class by Glenn Hirsch, Fall 2016


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Paint IntermediateMonday Nights 6:30-9:30pm starts Sept 19

glazes impasto


“old master technique” – glazes over a gray or blue underpainting

“wet into wet” impasto technique using oil or acrylic

examples of watercolor technique

Alessya Rose Bonder

Alessya Rose Bonder

Kady Monroe-Tracey

examples of oil and acrylic technique

Semi transparent layer (yellow on top of dark blue)

Thin layers and glazes Thick impasto layers

Semi-transparent layers light on top of dark - green underpainting shows through the pink

Impasto and scraping with a palette knife

Impasto and scraping with a palette knife

Lime green underpainting

Mixed media collage


warm and cool varieties of each color

chromatic scale

light to darkbright to dullwarm to cool