Overview of java


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Overview of JAVA

Introduction to Java

• Java History

• Features of Java

• Java Versions

• Application Area


Features Of Java

• S i m p l e

• O b j e c t - O r i e n t e d

• P l a t f o r m i n d e p e n d e n t

• S e c u r e d

• R o b u s t

• A r c h i t e c t u r e n e u t r a l

• P o r t a b l e

• D y n a m i c

• I n t e r p r e t e d

• H i g h P e r f o r m a n c e

• M u l t i t h r e a d e d

• D i s t r i b u t e d


Features Of Java

• Simple

• Similar to C and C++• Omits operator overloading, multiple inheritance• Goto statement is eliminated• Header files are eliminated• Explicit use of pointers• Garbage collection• A rich set of predefined classes


Features Of Java

• Object-Oriented

• Forces the programmer to use the classes and object

• Class

• Member variables( data ) and member functions ( methods )


Features Of Java

• Robust

• designed for writing highly reliable or robust software:

• automatic garbage collection, which prevents memory leaks

• Type safety of data

• Extensive compile tome and runtime checking

• Object Oriented Exception Handling of run

time errors

• Divide by zero exception.


Features Of Java

• Architectural Neutral and Interpreted

• compiler generates bytecodes• Easy to interpret on any machine• “Write once and run anywhere WORA”


Features Of Java

• Powerful

• Networking• Threads• Distributed Objects• Database Access• Graphics• Data structure library• Serialization• Digital Signatures


Features Of Java

• Distributed

• Supports TCP/IP


• Access remote objects

via URL


Features of Java

• Multithreaded

•Parallel processingEg: WinWord application saving document

every 10 minutes using thread


Major Java Editions

• Standard Edition

• Enterprise Edition

• Micro Edition


Major Java Editions

• Standard Edition

• Applications• Desktop programing

• Applets, Java FX

• Big Data Apps

• Examples• MindCraft

• Eclipse, Netbeans



Features Of Java

• Enterprise Edition• Java EE ( formerly J2EE )

• Applications• Servlets, JSP, JSF, PrimeFaces

• EJB, Spring and Hibernate

• Examples• Amazon.com

• Ebay

• Paypal


Features Of Java

• Java Micro Edition

• Java running on small devices

• Applications

• Cellphones, embedded, printers

• Examples

• Blackberry, android( optimized java SE )



• The JVM is an abstract computing machine

• It is responsible for Java's cross-platform portability


JRE• The JRE is the software environment in which programs

compiled for a typical JVM implementation can execute

• Implementation of the JVM

• Code necessary to run Java programs

• manage memory

• handle exceptions




JIT ( Just In Time Compiler)
