Our school


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Our school

By Georgia, Stella and Helen

Our school

Our school is the first primary school of Nea Ionia. Is the oldest school in the area. It was built by Minor Asia refugees.It has 3 floors: ground floor, first floor and second floor. We also have a theatre, a Chemistry lab, a computer lab and a big yard.

Our subjects

We study many subjects : Greek language , Maths , English, History, Geography, Religious Education, music, Citizenship, Art , ICT, French or German, Physical Education.

Our timetable

• Every day lessons start at ten past eight in the morning and finish at two o’clock in the afternoon. [but many people stay at “day school” until 4:15] The first break is from 9.40am to 10.00 and there are 3 more breaks.

Our holidays

• We have lots of holidays: a national holidays on 28th October another on 25th March, Ash Monday [this year on February23] ,two weeks at Christmas, two weeks at Easter , and almost three months in summer , from 16th June to…10th September.


• Theatre is small classroom with many chairs and a big stage. Its very beautiful . Also, there is a big space. We have a lot of performances there.


• Library is a big classroom with a lot of books. Very student they go to library because they want to read a book. It’s fantastic.