Organizational Shifts Photo Journal


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Cristen Yancey AET – 560 June 27, 2016 Dr. Gregory Dlabach

OLD SPICEPurchased by Proctor and Gamble in 1990, Old Spice launched a rebrand in

2002 to target the younger consumers, but at that time they were met with stiff competition known as AXE (Riches, 2014). In 2010, Wieden and Kennedy created “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign for the brand (Riches, 2014). The ad agency brought in actor Isaiah Mustafa originally, then later added actor Terry Crews to the campaign. These changes spoke directly to the women in the man’s life because both actors are very attractive men and caught plenty of attention.

According to “History of Old Spice” (2016), the first Old Spice product, called Early American Old Spice for women was introduced in 193, closely followed by Old Spice for men I 1938. For many years society liked Old Spice to older me between the ages of 50-60, but the recent rebranding took a turn towards the younger generation with the introduction of new fragrances and products. An Old Spice gift to a younger person is no longer considered creepy from the grandparents.

DOMINOS In 2015, Domino’s Pizza decided to rebrand their organization by dropping “pizza” from the name. This was done in an effort to highlight the growing menu items. Domino’s sell everything from chicken, pasta, sandwiches, and even desserts. According to "Domino's Brand Transition Appears to Be Working (DPZ)" (2015), being associated almost entirely with one food leaves a brand vulnerable. The original design of the organization was focused solely on pizza and this shift to merge into other entities was a great change for the organization. More and more companies are branching out and selling everything from breakfast to alcoholic beverages and healthier options.

MCDONALD'SMcDonalds has gone through several rebranding campaigns since existence, but this latest trend changing the packing to a simpler and bolder design was a great change for the organization. They have made a significant change from the red and white packaging to “bold typography in bright colors (“McDonald's launches "striking and in-your-face" packaging designed by Boxer,” 2016). “The new look is simple, fresh and consistent with the company’s vision to be a modern and progression burger company” (“McDonald's launches "striking and in-your-face" packaging designed by Boxer,” 2016). This rebranding is just what the economy needs right now. Globally, with technology taking over almost everything society does, a simple bag and simple approach to the world’s favorite fast food chain is a welcomed change.  “McDonald's launches "striking and in-your-face" packaging designed by Boxer,” (2016), states that McDonald's has committed to sourcing 100 per cent of all its fiber-based packaging from recycled or certified sources by 2020.

FEDERAL EXPRESSThe name and logo rebranding in 1994 for Federal Express is a great example of rebranding. CEO Fred Smith wanted to ensure that the name was shorter and that every FedEx truck was visible and recognizable at least five blocks away (Gunelius, 2016). Gunelius (2016) states, one of the most overlooked but brilliant aspects of the FedEx logo is the hidden arrow. While arrows are typically considered an overused design element, it makes sense to include one in the design of a brand whose entire purpose and promise is to move things from one place to another quickly and efficiently. This change in the organization shows that society is changing and that everything is fast paced. Ensuring that customers receive their packages timely is a primary goal for many package and freight delivery companies. The use of the simple logo and the belief in faster service puts FedEx in a great market space for competitors.

REFERENCES• Dominos. (2016). [Photograph of rebrand logo] Retrieved from• Domino's brand transition appears to be working (DPZ). (2015). Retrieved from

• The Dieline. (2012). [Photograph of Old Spice Classic Logo] Retrieved from

• Gunelius, S. (2016). Branding the Right Way – Rebranding FedEx. Retrieved from

• History of Old Spice . (2016). Retrieved from • McDonald's launches "striking and in-your-face" packaging designed by Boxer. (2016,

January). Dezeen, (), . Retrieved from

• Old Spice. (2015). [Photograph of Old Spice Truce] Retrieved from

• Riches, M. (2014). The Old Spice Rebrand: Zero to hero on a horse. Retrieved from

• Wikipedia. (2016). [Photograph of Original Domino’s Pizza Logo] Retrieved from
