Ocean morphology



Credit for the creation of this Powerpoint should go to Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia

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Sea Floor MorphologySubmarine Canyons

Sea Floor MorphologySubmarine Canyons

Sea Floor MorphologySubmarine Canyons

Mosher, et al., 2004

Sea Floor MorphologyThe Continental Rise

Sea Floor MorphologyThe Abyssal Plain

Sea Floor MorphologyPelagic Sedimentation

Sea Floor MorphologyPelagic Sedimentation

Morphological FeaturesReefs and Atolls


Fringing Reefs

Barrier Reefs


Morphological FeaturesGuyots and Seamounts

Morphological FeaturesGuyots and Seamounts

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean Floor

Mid-Ocean Ridge

Fracture Zones


Continental Margin Classification

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorMid-Ocean Ridge

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorMid-Ocean Ridge

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorMid-Ocean Ridge Features

Rift Valley

Pillow Basalts

Gabbro Dikes

Axial Volcanoes

Hydrothermal Vents

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorMid-Ocean Ridge:Rift Valley

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorMid-Ocean Ridge: Pillow Basalts

Wadi Jizzi, OmanB. Parsons


Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorMid-Ocean Ridge: Gabbro Dikes

Sheeted Gabbro DikesZabyah, Oman

B. Parsons

Wilson, et al., 2002

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorMid-Ocean Ridge: Axial Volcanos

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institutehttp://www.mbari.org/data/mapping/seamounts/default.htm

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorMid-Ocean Ridge:Hydrothermal Vents

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorMid-Ocean Ridge: Fracture Zones

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorMid-Ocean Ridge: Fracture Zones

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorTrenches

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorTrenches

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorCrustal Recycling

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorCrustal Recycling

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorClassification of Continental Margins

Passive Margin

Active Margin

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorPassive Continental Margins

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorPassive Continental Margins

Plate Tectonics and the Ocean FloorActive Continental Margins
