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Basic Information

• OCD is an anxiety disorder, that is common among roughly 2.3% of US population, or 3.3 million Americans.

• The disorder affects men and women equally, and symptoms usually occur during childhood and adolescence.

How OCD affects the Brain

• OCD is thought to involve a problem with brain functioning.

• Serotonin levels in people with OCD is unbalanced, causing them to get stuck in routine, and not able to break the cycle.

• Certain parts of the brain also become overactive.


• Obsessions are any repeated and unwanted thoughts, actions, or impulses.

• Including:• Fear of contamination or dirt • Having things orderly and

symmetrical • Aggressive or horrific impulses

Genetics and OCD

• OCD has also been linked to genetics, and most people who have OCD also have a family member who also has the disorder, or other linked disorders such as anxiety disorders.

Other Common Causes…

Some other factors that can cause OCD include…

• Head Injury• Psychological disorders or trauma• And Infections.

Types of OCDPeople with ODC usually fall into

one or more of several categories:• Washers: afraid of contamination • Checkers: obsessively check things • Hoarders: Collect things, beyond

necessary means.• Doubters: Are Afraid of things not

being perfect.• Counters: obsessed with order and



• OCD is typically diagnosed by a trained psychologist.

• Most used a structured clinical interview to see if your symptoms match up with those of typical OCD patients.


• Both medicines and therapy are options for treatment for those with OCD.

• Including:• Systematic

Desensitization• Flooding • And several types of

medicines depending on the case.

With OCD I feel…• Misunderstood, nobody seems to

get me, they can’t understand why I am the way I am.


• I feel depressed because I get stuck in my ways and nobody gets them or can help me.


• My obsessions drive me crazy. I wish they would stop.


• I repeat myself and actions, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again….

Out of Control

• I cant control my thoughts, actions, or myself. Its like I am a character in a video game.


• OCD makes me also feel hyper and wild sometimes, when its not ruining my life.


• I find that I am very unfond of others even my closest friends, when my compulsions are really bad.


• I don’t enjoy doing things or leaving my house because of the anxiety it causes. I’d rather just sit and wait.


• Not knowing what is going to happen makes me super nervous. Everything has to be planned out and go exactly according to plan.


• I get anxious when I have compulsions and I obsess over the little things, it’s a feeling that never goes away for me.

Scared• I get scared when

people don’t understand me and judge me and when things don’t go according to plan, I get afraid something will happen to me.
