Noosphere And Education Final


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1. The Age of Nations has passed.
Now, unless we wish to perish
we must shake off our old prejudices
and build the earth.
-- Teilhard de Chardin
Noosphere and Education
2. What is the Noosphere?
3. Development of Noosphere
4. Implications for Education
Rise of Empathy Both as A Value in Education and a part of the curriculum
Changing Concepts of the Self
Affective Cognition
Understanding the Boundaries of the self
How do I know what I know
Changing Concepts of Community
Civic Literacy
Changing Boundaries of Communities
Ecologies of Learning as Opposed to Hierarchies
Collective Sense Making
Classroom and School House redesign
5. Implications for Education Continued
Amplified Educators and Contested Authorities
Lightweight Community/Personal Based Manufacturing
Integrating Diasporas Fully into Curriculum
Empathy and understanding mans place within the ecosphere, infosphere/cybersphere and cosmos is the key to creating the noosphere