Noodle jackdaws0910




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How to Cite JackdawsUsing NoodleBib

Portfolios of Primary Source Documents

For your Bibliography, you willcite the entire Jackdaw …

Using the template for a Book

Tip:All the information you need to cite the Jackdaw in your bibliography

is in the catalog record. You can even “copy and paste”.



Series Number

The Jackdaw citation will look like this. The Bibliography form is correct.

The Note form is not.

For the correct Note formYou have to create a citation for the individual document…

…Using Anthology/Book Collection

This provides a template that enables you to citeOne item contained within another.

Tip:The document title can also be copied from the catalog record

Title of the entire Jackdaw

Title of the specific document

Author of the specific document

Also include the original publication year of the document if given

andthe Jackdaw number

And theAuthor of the Jackdaw

That’s it! Click Generate Citation

Now you have the correct Note Form

For your footnotes

For your bibliography



When you have downloaded your bibliography for printing,delete citations for individual documents,

leaving only the citation for the entire Jackdaw.

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