No more Ottoman Empire nor Russia


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Bloody Sunday• Czar Nicholas II ordering troops to fire on peaceful protesters who

attempted to encourage him to enact Enlightened reforms.

The Duma• A body intended to represent the Russian people, but would be

disbanded every time critical of Czar Nicholas.

Alexander Kerensky• Established a provisional government after Czar Nicholas. Shared

power with soviets, that proved to be ineffectual.

Soviets• Local councils during the Russian Revolution.

Bolsheviks• Socialist party led by Vladimir Lenin during the Russian Revolution.

Vladimir Lenin• Marxist leader of the Bolsheviks, issued April Theses.

April Theses• Issued by Vladimir Lenin which demanded peace, land for peasants,

and power to the soviets.

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk• Treaty between the Soviets and Germany which a huge peace of

western Russia was ceded to Germany, so Russia dropped out of World War I and was not apart of the negotiation during the Treaty of Versailles.

Soviet Union• Baltic republics, Ukraine, Siberia, and other parts of the former

Russian Empire.

Red Army• Military force under the command of Leon Trotsky created by the


Leon Trotsky• Commander of the Red Army

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk, "Father of the Turks")• Led successful military campaigns against the Greeks, and overthrew

the Ottoman sultan. First President of modern Turkey. Set Turkey on a path toward Europe as opposed to the Middle East.

New Economic Policy• Instituted by Lenin which had capitalistic aspects, but was discarded

by Joseph Stalin.

Joseph Stalin• Leader of the Soviet Union, and imposed his Five Year Plans.

Five Year Plans• Instituted by Stalin that called for expedient agricultural production by

ruthlessly taking over private farms and combining them into state-owned enterprises, and advocated for the construction of large, nationalized factories.

Collectivization• Taking over private farms and combining them into state owned


Totalitarianism• The political concept that the citizen should be totally subject to an

absolute state authority

Communism• A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and

leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

USSR• Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The "Great Purge"• Referring to the Stalin regime systematically killing so many of its
